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His favorite barbershop

2 So Hagen started again, speaking in the most ordinary voice. "Look at my

card," he said. "I'm a lawyer. Would I stick my neck out? Have I uttered one

threatening word? Let me just say that I am prepared to meet any condition you

name to get Johnny Fontane that movie. I think I've already offered a great deal

For such a small favor. A favor that I understand it would be in your interest to

Grant. Johnny tells me that you admit he would be perfect for that part. And let me

say that this favor would never be asked if that were not so. In fact, if you're

Worried about your investment, my client would finance the picture. But please let

Me make myself absolutely clear. We understand your no is no. Nobody can force

You or is trying to. We know about your friendship with Mr. Hoover, I may add,

and my boss respects you for it. He respects that relationship very much."

Woltz had been doodling with a huge, red-feathered pen. At the mention of

Money his interest was aroused and he stopped doodling. He said patronizingly,

"This picture is budgeted at five million."

Hagen whistled softly to show that he was impressed. Then he said very

casually, "My boss has a lot of friends who back his judgment."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 277 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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