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Final test Elementary. Read the article. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)



1 Recording 11 Listen to six conversations and tick the correct answer, a), b) or c).

1 What time does Jim start work?



a) __     b) c)


2 Who is visiting Steve for the weekend?

his sister
his brother
his cousin



a)   b) c)


3 What will the weather be like tomorrow?



a)   b) c)


4 How long did the woman stay in New York?

2 days
3 days
4 days


a)   b) c)


5 How did the woman get to Washington?

By train
 By car
By plane


a)   b) c)


6 What has the boy got?



a)   b) c)


7 Where can Sheila eat her sandwiches?

staff room


a)   b) c)


8 What is there in the staffroom?

a cafe
a fridge


a)   b) c)


9 What did the woman lose?

credit card


a)   b) c)




2 Recording 12 Listen and write true (T) or false (F).

1 Ben can’t go to the theatre tonight. _

2 There’s been a problem at the office.          

3 Ben didn’t have flu when he got up.          

4 He took two aspirins because he had a

sore throat.                                        

5 Ben says his arms hurt.                     





3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Last night we ________ (watch) TV.

2 In this class we __ ­­__ (study) superlatives.

3 Last Sunday I ___ (go) for a walk.

4 I _____ (love) going out with friends.

5 Lisa ____ (visit) many different countries.




4 Underline the correct alternative.

1 I saw/’ve seen him at work yesterday.

2 We have to run or we ’ll/won’t be late.

3 That’s the good/best film I’ve ever seen!

4 You can’t/shouldn’t buy stamps in a pharmacy.

5 You have to be really quietly/quiet. Your dad’s on the phone.



5 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi folks! We 1 ’ve had a fantastic time in China. We’ve 2 to Beijing, seen the Great Wall and swum in  the Yangtze River. Now we’re in Shanghai. We arrived late 3 night after a sixteen-hour train journey! I feel really tired 4 morning so I’m not going to do much – but Josh never stops! He’s out taking photos of the city. I can see it through my hotel window – it’s amazingly modern 5 beautiful. I might go and look around this evening. The temperature is 30°C at the moment but it might 6 hotter this afternoon. We’re going to stay here for 2 days. Then we’re flying to Hong Kong, and after that we’ll be in Singapore, our last stop. I hear you can do some very cheap shopping in these places so I’ll have to be careful! See you next week. Jess xx





6 Match verbs 1–8 with words and phrases

1 go   _   a) better, tired

2 feel   b) running, home

3 watch   c) a drama, the sun rise

4 get    d) housework, exercise

5 stay   e) fit, stung

6 do    f) a conversation, work

7 have   g) in, at a hotel

8 start   h) dinner, stomachache




7 Underline the correct alternative.

1 What time do you go to/in bed?

2 She has a daughter/son. His name is Adam.

3 He goes swimming twice/twice a week.

4 Your book’s above/under the table.

5 I lost my phone two days ago/last.

6 The film was really quiet/boring and I fell asleep.



8 Match words 1–7 with definitions a)–g).

1 a tip    _ a) when your head hurts


2 souvenir b) you can buy medicine     here

3 a desert c) good for the environment


4 a carton d) something kept to remember a place or an event


5 a pharmacy e) extra money for good service


6 green   f) a container used for yoghurt


7 a headache g) a very dry place





9 Match sentences 1–6 with responses a)–f).

1 Can you tell me the way to the station?   _

2 Let me open the jar for you.              

3 What did you do last night?               

4 Do you think I’d like this band?        

5 Why don’t we go to the zoo?            

6 Can you ask him to call me?             


a) Nothing special. How about you?

b) Of course, sir. What’s your number?

c) No, I don’t think it’s your kind of music.

d) Yes, straight on and second left.

e) That doesn’t sound very interesting.

f) That’s very kind of you.







10 Read the article. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Three things to do before you leave the planet! 1 Visit Tuvalu Tuvalu in the Pacific Ocean is the fourth- smallest country in the world. Sadly, it’s also only 4 metres above sea level at its highest. Because of the rise in sea levels, Tuvalu might be the first country to disappear under the waves. The islands are a paradise of beautiful tropical beaches and palm trees. Why don’t you go there before they disappear? Take a plane from Fiji, stay in one of Tuvalu’s four guest houses and have a drink in its one bar. Go now, before it dies. 2 See the world’s largest flower Go to the jungles of Borneo or Sumatra and find the world’s strangest plants, Rafflesia. For most of its life, the plant is invisible and hard to find. But to find it is amazing. It grows into the world’s largest flower. It can be one metre across and weigh 10 kilos. And it smells terrible! However, it only lasts a few days. You’ll be lucky to see one. 3 Find happiness Why do some people live perfectly happy lives while others find life hard? The answer might be in our genes – some people are born happy. Lucky them, I hear you say! Don’t worry, there’s still a lot you can do, for example: help other people, make lots of friends or change your job. Or learn about how people live in Denmark. It’s the only European country where people are happier than they were 30 years ago. Why? Go and find out!



11 Read the text again and underline the correct answer, a, b or c.

1 Tuvalu is one of the smallest countries .

a) on our planet

b) in the Atlantic Ocean

c) less than 4 metres high

2 There are not many on Tuvalu.

a) beaches

b) palm trees

c) places to stay

3 The Rafflesia flower .

a) is heavy

b) has a beautiful smell

c) is very easy to find

4 People see a Rafflesia flower.

a) are unable to

b) think it’s lucky to

c) hardly ever

5 can make us happier people.

a) Being lucky

b) Our genes

c) Moving to a new house

6 To become happier you need to .

a) move to Europe

b) do things for other people

c) stop working




12 Match sentences 1–6 to notices A–H. You do not need all the notices.

1 Children can swim for £2.50.                 _

2 It’s cheaper to buy a shirt today.                

3 You can’t take your bags with you.

4 You don’t have to pay for lunch for your
five-year old child in the afternoons.          

5 You have to stop here.                                

6 You shouldn’t speak in here.                      


A                            B

Danger! Do not swim here.  
Lunch served 12.00–2.00    


C                            D

Please be quiet in the exam room.
Swimming Pool Open evenings Adults – £4.00 Children – £2.50



E                             F

Stop! Train crossing
ˆ8 each shirt. ONE DAY ONLY



G                            H

Please leave bags at the desk
Children under six eat free 2–5p.m.




13 Find and correct one mistake in lines 1–8.


                  One of the most good films I’ve ever saw is Fargo by the Coen brothers, Ethan and joel. It came out in 1996 and was a big success. Frances McDormand play   the police officer in the film and won the Oscar for Best Actress. She’s married to Joel in real life and has made six films with her husband. The Coens’ more successful film was No Country for Old Men with the spanish actor Javier Bardem. It come out in 2007 and wins four Oscars.     best   ____




14 Write a story beginning or ending with: I’ll never go there again. Write 40–60 words.




























Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2023-10-24; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 2405 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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