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Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap

1. The CEO is the head of the __________ team. (administration/management/organization)

2. We have 200 people on our __________ (recruitment/business/payroll)

3. Our __________ department is responsible for recruitment. (personnel/employee/worker)

4. Our main office is in London but we have __________ all over the country. (places/companies/sites)

5. I supervise all the __________ workers on the production line. (manual/white-collar/labour)

6. I am in charge of training in the human __________ department. (support/resources/staff)

7. We have a __________ of 65 in London and about 30 in Paris. (staff/union/headquarters)

8. You haven’t been paid this month? OK, I’ll put you through to the __________ department. (pay/salary/finance)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Match each statement with a word or phrase form the list below. Write the letter of your chosen answer next to the statement. There is one extra word/phrase that you don’t have to use.

1. We used to have four layers of management but now we have only two.

2. I am an independent software designer. At the moment, I’m working for three companies.

3. I don’t know whether my job here is safe. I could be out of work next month.

4. In 1999 we had 430 employees. Now there are only 280.

5. We used to do our printing in-house, but now it’s done by a company in Hong Kong.

6. I was a shop floor supervisor but then they made me manager of the whole production plant.

7. Our company has been completely reorganized to make it more efficient.

8. Now that we have reduced our costs, we are making much more money.

a. downsize b. delayer c. restructure d. outsource
e. promotion f. freelance g. dismiss h. profit
  i. insecurity    

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I didn’t like the way the company was being run so I __________ (resigned/sacked/terminated)

2. They laid __________ people in March and 50 more in September. (on/off/out)

3. I joined this company because the career __________ is excellent. (path/way/contract)

4. I have regular performance __________ with my manager. (advice/support/reviews)

5. We now have fewer employees and so the company is much __________ (efficient/leaner/fatter)

6. I have worked my way up and now I am a __________ manager. (main/old/senior)

7. She was __________ for copying company software on to her PC (fired/promoted/retired)

8. I was appointed on a __________ contract so my job isn’t very safe. (permanent/full-time/temporary)

9. When you join a company now you can’t expect a __________ for life. (job/work/career)

10. If you break the safety rules you can be __________ immediately. (downsized/dismissed/delayered)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. big industry
2. corporate commerce
3. self employed
4. e- business
5. free enterprise
6. enterprise departments
7. nationalized profits

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:

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