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Comprehension Check. 1. Answer the questions

1. Answer the questions.

1. Why are scarcity and choice basic problems of economics?

2. What is scarcity? Give different definitions.

3. Why must people make choices?

4. What is choice?

5. What do economists mean when they use the term ‘opportunity cost’?

6. In what way is opportunity cost expressed?

2. Are these statements True or False? Prove your decision.

1. Human needs and wants can’t be satisfied.

Scarcity exists because society can produce limited amounts of goods and services with insufficient resources.

Scarcity forces us to forgo some alternatives.

Economics is sometimes called the study of choice.

5. ‘Opportunity cost’ is what the decision-maker must forgo in order to make the choice that is finally made.

Opportunity cost is the fundamental economic problem.

Reproduce the context in which the following word-combinations are used.

To satisfy needs and wants

To produce goods and services

Economic activity

Scarce resources

To forgo alternatives

To evaluate the cost and benefit

Vocabulary Focus

1. Complete the gaps using the vocabulary.

choice; free goods; limited; opportunity cost; resources; scarce; scarcity; services; unlimited

… (1) are important because they are used to make goods, like television, cars and houses and to provide …(2), like banking, insurance and transport. All of these resources are …(3). Any resources that are not scarce are called …(4). Wants are …(5) but the resources used to produce the goods and services to satisfy these wants are …(6). So, there exists …(7). …(8) is necessary because scarce resources can be used in lots of ways to make different goods and services. The real cost of choosing one thing and not another is known as the …(9).

2. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. Hunger... in many parts of the world.

a) evaluates b) exists c) satisfies

2. We have to … the results of our experiment.

a) face b) forgo c) evaluate

3. We want to build a house. Last year we bought some … in the village.

a) capital b) labour c) land

4. The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and other ….

a) economic activity b) benefits c) desires

5. The wants we seek to … are limited.

a) satisfy b) forgo c) face

3. Give the English equivalents to the following.

ограниченные ресурсы

вынуждать людей делать выбор

оценить затраты и выгоды

рациональный выбор

лицо, принимающее решение

Talking Points

1. Explain the fact that people exchange goods and services because they expect to be better off (материально жить лучше) after the exchange.

2. Explain that whenever a choice is made, something is given up.

3. Discuss the following question with your groupmates. Give your arguments for or against.

Do you agree that the problem of scarcity is faced by rich and poor societies?

Summary Points

1. What is the main idea of the text about scarcity and choice? Is it only to explain what scarcity and choice are?

2. Divide the text into parts and make up a plan. What are these parts about?

3. Find in the text the most important details that may be added to support the main points. Use the following vocabulary.

The author thinks (believes) that … Автор думает (считает), что…
The author notes that … Автор отмечает, что …
According to the author … Согласно мнению автора …
In conclusion … В заключение …


Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 592 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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