Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Èñòîðèÿ âñåìèðíîé ëèòåðàòóðû 98 ñòðàíèöà

Robertson J. B. Studies in the genesis of romantic theory in the eighteenth century. — N. Y., 1962.

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Roth S. Aventure et aventuriers au dix-huitiame siècle: Eissai de sociologie littéraire: En 2 vol. — Lille, 1980.

Schmidt E. Richardson, Rousseau und Goethe: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Romans im 18 Jahrhundert. — Jena, 1924.

Studies in eighteenth-century culture. — Cleveland; L., 1971. Vol. 1—. Èçä. ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ.

Studies in eighteenth-century literature / Ed. M. J. Szenczi, L. Ferenczi. — Bp, 1974.

Le Tournant du siècle des Lumières. 1760—1820: Les genres en vers des Lumières au romantisme / Sous la dir. de G. M. Vajda. — Bp., 1982.

Valjavec F. Geschichte der abendländischen Aufklärung. — Wien; München, 1961.

Van Tieghem P. Le préromantisme: Études d’histoire littéraire européenne: En 3 vol. — P., 1946—1948.

Van Tieghem P. Le sentiment de la nature dans le préromantisme européen. — P., 1960.

Ãëàâà ïåðâàÿ



Cordasco F. Eighteenth century bibliographies. — Methuen (N. Y.), 1970.


Àëåêñååâ Ì. Ï. Ðóññêî-àíãëèéñêèå ëèòåðàòóðíûå ñâÿçè (XVIII âåê — ïåðâàÿ ïîëîâèíà XIX âåêà). — Ì., 1982.

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Èç èñòîðèè äåìîêðàòè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðû â Àíãëèè XVIII—XX âåêîâ / Ïîä ðåä. Ì. Ï. Àëåêñååâà. — Ë., 1955.

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Íàðñêèé È. Ñ. Ôèëîñîôèÿ Äæîíà Ëîêêà. — Ì., 1960.

Battestin M. C. The providence of wit. Aspects of form in Augustan literature and the arts. — Oxford, 1974.

Béranger F. Les hommes de lettres et la politique en Angleterre de la révolution de 1688 à la mort de George Ier. — Bordeaux, 1968.

Bronson B. H. Facets of the Enlightenment: Studies in English literature and its contexts. — Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1968.

Cox S. D. «The stranger within thee»: concepts of the self in late-eighteenth-century literature. — Pittsburgh, 1980.

Daiches D. A critical history of English literature: In 3 vol. Vol. 3 The Restoration to 1800. — L., 1975.

The eighteenth century. / Ed. P. Rogers. — L., 1978.

Fussell P. The rhetorical world of Augustan humanism: Ethics and imagery from Swift to Burke. — L., 1965.

Guikhamot L. The sincere ideal: Studies on sincerity in eighteenth-century English literature. — Montreal; L., 1974.

Leavis Q. D. Fiction and the reathing public. — L., 1939.

Müllenbrock H.-F. Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts. — Düsseldorf, 1977.

Oliphant M. The literary history of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century: In 2 vol. — N. Y., 1886.

Paulson R. Popular and polite art in the age of Hogarth and Fielding. — Notre Dame, 1979.

Quintana R. Two Augustants: John Locke, Jonathan Swift. — Madison (Wis.), 1978.

Scott W. Lives of the novelists. / introd. A. Dobson. — L., 1906.

Sherburne G. A literary history of England. Vol. 3. The Restoration and eighteenth century (1660—1789). — N. Y., 1948.

Spacks P. A. M. Imagining a self: Autobiogr. and novel in eighteenth-century England. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1976.

Stephen L. English literature and society in the Eighteenth Century. — L., 1940.

Studies in the literature of the Augustan age. / Ed. R. C. Boys. — N. Y., 1966.

Sutherland F. English satire. — L.; N. Y., 1958.

Ward A. W., Waller A. R. The Cambridge history of English literature: In 15 vol. Vol. 9, 10. — Cambridge, 1932.

Watt I. The rise of the novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. — L., 1957.

Wolff E. Shaftesbury und Bedeutung für die englische Literatur des 18. Jhs. — Tübingen, 1960.


Ëàçóðñêèé Â. Ô. Ñàòèðèêî-íðàâîó÷èòåëüíûå æóðíàëû Ñòèëÿ è Àääèñîíà. — Îäåññà, 1909—1916. Ò. 1—2.

Alkon P. K. Samuel Johnson and moral discipline. — Evanstone, 1967.

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Dobson A. Richard Steele. — L., 1888.

Elioseff L. A. The cultural milieu of Addison’s literary criticism — Austin, 1963

Golden M. The self observed. Swift, Johnson, Wordsworth. — Baltimore, 1972.

Goldgar B. A. The curse of party: Swift’s relations with Addison and Steele. — Lincoln, 1961.

Graham W. English literary periodicals. — N. Y. 1930.

Greene D. Samuel Johnson. — N. Y., 1970.

Hagstrum J. H. Samuel Johnson’s literary criticism. — Chicago; L., 1968.

Johnson: The critical heritage / Ed. J. T. Boulton. — L., 1971.

Lannering J. Studies in the prose style of Joseph Addison. — Upsala, 1951.

Macaulay T. B. Life and writings of Addison / Ed. W. P. Trent. — Boston, 1896.

Macaulay T. B. The life of Johnson / Ed. S. L. Garrison. — N. Y., 1923.


McIntosh C. The choice of the Samuel Johnson and the world of Fiction. — New Haven; L., 1973.

Marr G. The periodical essayists of the eighteenth century. — L., 1923.

Rogers P. Grub street: studies in a subculture. — L., 1972.

Segar M. G. Essays from eighteenth-century periodicals. — L., 1947.

Sinko L. «Monitor» wobec angielskiego «Spectatora». — Wrocław, 1956.

Spector R. D. English literary periodicals and the climate of opinion during the Seven Years’ War. — The Hague, 1966.

Stephen L. Samuel Johnson. — L., 1880.

Studies in the early English periodical / Ed. R. P. Bond. — Chapell Hill, 1957.

Wain J. Samuel Johnson. — N. Y., 1975.


Âàñèëüåâà Ò. Í. Àíãëèéñêàÿ ñàòèðè÷åñêàÿ ïîýçèÿ XVIII â., 1760—1800. — Êèøèíåâ, 1981.

Äóáàøèíñêèé È. À. Ïàìôëåòû Ñâèôòà. — Ðèãà, 1968.

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Ëåâèäîâ Ì. Þ. Ïóòåøåñòâèå â íåêîòîðûå îòäàëåííûå ñòðàíû, ìûñëè è ÷óâñòâà Äæîíàòàíà Ñâèôòà, ñíà÷àëà èññëåäîâàòåëÿ, à ïîòîì âîèíà â íåñêîëüêèõ ñðàæåíèÿõ. — Ì., 1964.

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Alexander Pope / Ed. P. Dixon. — L., 1972.

The art of Jonathan Swift / Ed. C. T. Probyn. — L., 1978.

Ball J. E. Swift’s verse. — N. Y., 1970.

Brower R. A. Alexander Pope: The poetry of Allusion. — Oxford, 1959.

Brownell M. B. Alexander Pope and the arts of Georgian England. — Oxford, 1978.

Bruneteau C. John Arbuthnot (1667—1735) et les idées au dêbut du dix-huitième siècle: In 2 vol. — Lille, 1974.

Carnochan W. B. Lemuel Gulliver’s mirror for man. — Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1968.

Clark J. R. Form and frenzy in Swift’s «Tale of a tub». — Ithaca; L., 1970.

Collins J. C. Jonathan Swift: a biographical and critical study. — L., 1893.

Craik H. The life of Jonathan Swift: In 2 vol. — L., 1969.

Davis H. The satire of Jonathan Swift. — N. Y., 1947.

Dennis J. The age of Pope. (1700—1744). — L., 1901.

Dobrée B. Alexander Pope. — L., 1963.

Donoghue D. Jonathan Swift: a critical introd. — N. Y.; L., 1959.

Ehrenpreis J. Swift: the man, his works, and his age: In 2 vol. — L., 1964.

Fabrikant C. Swift’s landscape. — Baltimore; L., 1982.

Flaser G. S. Alexander Pope. — L., 1978.

Gilbert J. G. Jonathan Swift: Romantic and cynic moralist. — Austin; L., 1966.

Gurr E. Pope. — Edinburgh, 1971.

Hatfield G. W. Henry Fielding and the language of irony. — Chicago; L., 1968.

Horne T. A. The social thought of Bernard Mandeville: Virtue and commerce in early eighteenth-century England. — L.; Bazingstoke, 1978.

Irving W. H. John Gay: favorite of the wits. — Durham, 1970.

Johnson M. The sin of wit: Swift as a poet. — Ann Arbor, 1966.

Levine G. R. Henry Fielding and the dry mock: a study of the Techniques of irony in his early works. — The Hague, 1967.

Monro H. The ambivalence of Bernard Mandeville. — Oxford, 1975.

Parkin R. P. The poetic workmanship of Alexander Pope. — N. Y., 1966.

Reeves F. The reputation and writings of Alexander Pope. — L., 1976.

Rogers R. W. The major satires of Alexander Pope. — Urbana, 1955.

Rowse A. L. Jonathan Swift: major prophet. — L., 1975.

Schakel P. J. The poetry of Jonathan Swift: allusion and the development of a poetic style. — Madison (Wis.), 1978.

Schultz W. E. Gay’s «Beggar’s opera»: its content, history and influence. — N. Y., 1967.

Spacks P. M. An argument of images: the poetry of Alexander Pope. — Cambridge, 1971.

Spacks P. M. John Gay. — N. Y., [1965].

Stephen L. Alexander Pope. — L., 1909.

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Twentieth-century interpretation of Gulliver’s travels: A coll. of critical essays. — Englewood Cliffs (N. J.), 1968.

Williams K. Jonathan Swift. — L., N. Y., 1968.

Zirker M. P. Fielding’s social pamphlets. — Berkeley, 1966.


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Óðíîâ Ä. Ì. Äåôî. — Ì., 1978.

Øêëîâñêèé Â. Á. Àíãëèéñêèé êëàññè÷åñêèé ðîìàí. —  êí.: Øêëîâñêèé Â. Á. Ïîâåñòè î ïðîçå. Ì., 1966, ò. 1, ñ. 203—324.

Alter R. Fielding and the nature of the novel. — Cambridge (Mas.), 1968.

Auty S. G. The comic spirit of the eighteenth-century novels. — Port Wash., L., 1975.

Ball D. L. Samuel Richardson’s theory of fiction. — The Hague; P., 1971.

Battestin M. C. The moral basis of Fielding’s art: A study of Joseph Andrews. — Middletown (Conn.), 1959.

Bearley J. C. Novels of the 1740s. — Athens, 1982.

Bouce P. G. Les romans de Smollet. — P., 1971.

Braudy L. Narrative form in history and fiction: Hume. Fielding Gibbon. — Princeton (N. J.), 1970.

Brophy E. B. Samuel Richardson: The triumph of craft. — Knoxville, 1974.

Bruce D. Radical doctor Smollet. — L., 1964.

Defoe: The critical heritage / Ed. P. Rogers. — L., 1972.

Dobson A. Fielding. — L., 1909.

Ducrocq J. Le théâtre de Fielding: Les débuts de la creation littéraire (1728—1737): These... — Lille, 1973.

Earle P. The world of Defoe. — L., 1976.

Giddings R. The tradition of Smollet. — L., 1967.

Gondebeand L. Le roman «picaresque» anglais, 1650—1730: These... — Lille, 1979.

Grant D. Tobias Smollet: A study in style. — Manchester, 1977.

Harrison B. Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones: The novelist as moral philosopher. — L., 1975.

Hatfield G. W. Henry Fielding and the language of irony. — Chicago; L., 1968.

Henry Fielding: The critical heritage / Ed. R. Paulson, T. Lockwood. — L.; N. Y., 1969.


Hunter J. P. The reluctant pilgrim: Defoe’s emblematic method and quest for form in «Robinson Crusoe». — Baltimore, 1966.

Hutckens E. N. Irony in Tom Jones. — Univ. Ala., 1965.

Irwin M. Henry Fielding: The tentative realist. — L.; Oxford, 1967.

James E. A. Daniel Defoe’s many voices: a rhetorical study of prose style and literary method. — Amsterdam, 1972.

Karl J. R. The adversary literature: The English novel in the 18th century: a study in genre. — N. Y., 1974.

Kinkead-Weekes M. Samuel Richardson: Dramatic novelist. — L., 1973.

Koningsberg I. Samuel Richardson and the dramatic novel. — Lexigton, 1968.

Levine G. R. Henry Fielding and the dry mock: A study of the Techniques of irony in his early works. — The Hague; P., 1967.

Macallister H. Fielding. — N. Y., 1971.

Maresca Ò. Å. Epic to novel. — Columbus, 1974.

Minto W. Daniel Defoe. — L., 1909.

Moore J. R. Daniel Defoe, citizen of the modern world. — Chicago, 1958.

Rawson C. J. Henry Fielding and the Augustan ideal under stress. «Nature’s dance of death» and other studies. — L.; Boston, 1972.

Sacks A. Fiction and the shape of belief: A study of Henry Fielding. With glances at Swift, Johnson and Richardson. — Chicago; L., 1980,

Spearman D. The novel and society. — L., 1966.

Spector R. D. Tobias George Smollet. — N. Y., 1968.

Steeves H. R. Before Jane Austen: The shaping of the English novel in the eighteenth century. — N. Y., 1965.

Sutherland J. Defoe. — L., 1937.

Weimann R. Daniel Defoe: Eine Einführung in das Romanwerk. — Halle (Saale), 1962.

Wolff E. Der englische Roman in 18. Jahrhundert. — Göttingen, 1980.

Wright A. Henry Fielding: Mask and feast. — L., 1965.

Zirker M. R. Fielding’s social pamphlets: A study of an enquiry into the causes of the late in crease of robbers and a proposal for making an effectual provision for the poor. — Berkeley; Los Angeles, 1966.


Bernbaum E. The drama of sensibility. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1958.

Connolly L. W. The censorship of English drama 1737—1824. — San Marino, 1976.

Cox J. E. The rise of sentimental comedy. — Norwood (Pa.), 1976.

Sherbo A. English sentimental drama. — East Lansing (Mich), 1957.

Stock R. D. Samuel Johnson and neoclassical dramatic theory, — Lincoln, 1973.


Aers D. Romanticism and ideology: studies in English writing, 1765—1830. — L., 1981.

Bayer-Berenbaum L. The gothic imagination: expansion in Gothic literature and art. — Rutherford, 1982.

Beers H. A. A history of English romanticism in the 18th century. — L., 1926.

Cox S. D. «The stranger within thee»: concepts of the self in late — eighteenth-century literature. — Pittsburgh, 1980.

Lévy M. Le roman «golhique» anglaise. 1764—1824. Thèse... — Toulouse, 1968.


Agrawal R. R. Tradition and experiment in the poetry of James Thomson (1700—1748). — Salzburg, 1981.

Arthos J. The language of natural description in eighteenth-century poetry. — Ann Arbor, 1949.

Cecil D. The quiet loves. Dorothy Osborne — Thomas Gray. — L., 1948.

Deane C. V. Aspects of eighteenth century nature poetry. — N. Y., 1968.

Free W. N. William Cowper. — N. Y., 1970.

Golden M. In search of stability: The poetry of William Cowper. — N. Y., 1960.

Gosse E. W. Gray. — N. Y.; L., 1902.

Hartley L. C. William Cowper. — Chapel Hill, 1960.

Jones W. P. The rhetoric of science: A study of scientific ideas and imagery in 18th century English poetry. — L., 1866.

Lemonnier L. Les poètes anglais du 18å siècle. — P., 1947.

Lytton Sells A. L. Thomas Gray: his life and works. — L., 1980.

Mackail J. W. Studies of English Poets. — Freeport, 1968.

Östman H. Realistiska drag i engelsk 1700-talspoesi. — Stockholm, 1980.

Plaisant M. S. La sensibilité dans la poésie anglaise an début du XVIIIe siécle: Thèse... Vol. 1, 2. — Lille, 1974.

Smith G. Cowper. — N. Y., 1902.

Spacks P. M. The insistence of horror: Aspects of the supernatural in 18th-century poetry. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1962.

Spacks P. M. The poetry of vision: Five eighteenth-century poets. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1967.

Spacks P. M. The varied god: A critical study of Thomson’s «The seasons». — Berkeley, 1959.

Storey M. Poetry and humour from Cowper to Clough. — L., 1979.

Thomas G. William Cowper and the eighteenth century. — L., 1935.


Bäckman S. This singular tale: a study of «The vicar of Wakefield» and its literary background. — L., 1971.

Black W. Goldsmith. — N. Y., 1902.

Conrad P. Shandyism: the character of romantic irony. — Oxford, 1978.

Cross W. L. The life and times of Laurence Sterne. — New Haven, 1929.

Fluchère H. Laurence Sterne: De 1’homme à 1’oeuvre. — P., 1961.

Forster F. The life and times of Oliver Goldsmith. — L., 1890.

Ginger J. The notable man: the life and times of Oliver Goldsmith. — L., 1974.

Hopkins R. H. The true genius of Oliver Goldsmith. — Baltimore, 1969.

Irwing W. Oliver Goldsmith: a biography. — N. Y., 1864.

Kirk C. M. Oliver Goldsmith. — N. Y., 1967.

Lanham R. A. Tristram Shandy: the games of pleasure. — Berkeley, 1973.

Now M. Laurence Sterne as a satirist: a reading of «Tristram Shandy». — Gainesville, 1969.

Sells A. L. Oliver Goldsmith: his life and works. — L., 1974.

Shaw M. Laurence Sterne: The making of a humorist, 1713—1762. — L., 1957.

Stedmond J. M. The comic art of Laurence Sterne: Convention


and innovation in «Tristram Shandy» and «A sentimental journey». — Toronto, 1967.

Thomson D. Wild excursions: the life and fiction of Laurence Sterne. — L., 1972.


Ìàðøîâà H. M. Ðè÷àðä Áðèíñëè Øåðèäàí. — Ë.; M., 1960.

Øåðâèí Î. Øåðèäàí: Ïåð. ñ àíãë. — Ì., 1978.

Auburn M. S. Sheridan’s comedies: their contexts and achievements. — Lincoln; L., 1977.

Bevis R. W. The laughing tradition: stage comedy in Garrick’s day. — Athens, 1980.

Dulck J. Les comédies de R. B. Sheridan: Thèse pour le doctorat... — Bordeaux, 1962.

Loftis J. Sheridan and the drama of Georgian England. — Oxford, 1976.

Oliphant M. Sheridan. — L., 1883.

Sherbo A. English sentimental drama. — East Lansing (Mich.), 1957.


Åëèñòðàòîâà À. À. Ðîáåðò Áåðíñ. — M., 1957.

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Angus-Butterwort L. M. Robert Burns and the 18th century revival in Scottish vernacular poetry. — Aberdeen, 1969.

Carlyle T. An essay on Robert Burns. — N. Y., 1896.

Crawford T. Burns: a study of the poems and songs. — Edinburgh; L., 1960.

Daiches D. Robert Burns. — N. Y., 1966.

Ericson-Ross C. The songs of Robert Burns: a study of the unity of poetry and music. — Uppsala, 1977.

Fitzbugh R. T. Robert Burns: The man and the poet. — Boston, 1970.

Mac Laine A. H. Robert Fergusson. — N. Y., 1965.

Rae E. S. Poet’s pilgrimage. — Glasgow, 1960.

Shairp P. Robert Burns. — L., 1883.


Ñîëîâüåâà H. A. Àíãëèéñêèé ïðåäðîìàíòèçì è ôîðìèðîâàíèå ðîìàíòè÷åñêîãî ìåòîäà. — Ì., 1984.

McNutt D. J. The eighteenth-century Gothic novel: an annotated bibliography of criticism and selected texts. — N. Y.; L., 1975.

Summers M. A Gothic Bibliography. — N. Y., 1964.

Ëåâèí Þ. Ä. Îññèàí â ðóññêîé ëèòåðàòóðå, êîíåö XVIII — ïåðâàÿ òðåòü XIX âåêà. — Ë., 1980.

Aers D., Cook J., Punter D. Romanticism and ideology: studies in English writing 1765—1830. — L., 1981.

Alexander B. England’s wealthiest son: a study of William Beckford. — L., 1962.

Arnaud P., Raimond J. Le préromantisme anglais. — P., 1980.

Bate W. J. From classic to romantic. — Cambridge, 1946.

Beers H. A. A history of English romanticism in the 18th century. — L., 1899.

Conger S. M. Matthew G. Lewis, Charles Robert Maturin and the Germans: an interpretative study of the influence of German literature on two Gothic novels. — Salzburg, 1977.

From sensibility to romanticism / Ed. F. W. Hilles, H. Bloom. — L., 1970.

Gemmett R. J. William Beckford. — Boston, 1977.

Howells C. A. Love, mystery and misery: Feeling a Gothic fiction. — L., 1978.

Irwin J. J. «Monk» Lewis. — Boston, 1976.

Kiely R. The Romantic novel in England. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1972.

Killen A. Le roman terrifiant on roman noir de Walpole à Anne Radcliffe. — P., 1923.

Le Tellier R. I. An intensifying vision of evil: the Gothic novel (1764—1820) as a self-contained literary cycle. — Salzburg, 1980.

Lévy M. Le roman «gothique» anglais. 1764—1824: Thèse... — Toulose, 1968.

Melville L. The life and letters of William Beckford of Fouthill. — L., Heinemann, 1910. — 354 p.

Murray E. B. Ann Radcliffe. — N. Y., 1978.

Summers M. The Gothic quest: a history of the Gothic Novel. — L., 1969.

Varma D. P. The Gothic flame: Being a hystory of the Gothic novel in England: its origins efflorescence, disintegration and residuary influences. — L., 1957.

Ãëàâà âòîðàÿ

Alspach R. K. Irish poetry from the English invasion to 1798. — N. Y., 1978.

Ãëàâà òðåòüÿ


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