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A.: Hello, Andrew! Aren’t you in a hurry? Can you help me?

B.: Hello, Boris! What’s the matter?

A.: You see, today at the English classes, we’ll discuss the climate of the USA. I haven’t managed to get enough information about it. But I’ve heard you have already discussed this topic at your classes.

B.: You are absolutely right. I’ll try to help you. There are different climatic zones on the territory of the USA. Besides, the weather is very changeable.

A.: Oh, yes! I do understand the reason of it. Being crossed by the mountain chains from the north to the south, the country is visited by cold winds from the north, warm winds from the south.

B.: Good for you! And try to memorize the following: on the Pacific Coat – mild summers, cool winters, much rain; inland southwest – it is very hot because of the desert and semidesert. Weather patters in southeast are similar to northeast, but warmer …

A.: Sorry for interrupting you. And what about Alaska and Hawaii?

B.: Oh, the climate is quite different there. It is very cold on Alaska, and on Hawaii the climate is tropical.

A.: Yes, I do know about it.

B.: Don’t forget, that on the whole, the climate in the USA is continental.

A.: A thousand thanks!

B.: Not at all. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.

Ex.11. Сопоставьте американские штаты с их столицами.

Idaho Austin

California Tallahassee

New York Honolulu

Texas Boise

Florida Olympia

Alaska Sacramento

Hawaii Juneau

Washington Albany

Ex.12. Сравните три страны. Ответьте на вопросы и заполните таблицу.

Questions Russia The UK The USA
  What is the total area?      
  How many people live there?      
  What is the official language?      
  What are the main natural resources?      
  What river is the longest?      
  What lake is the largest?      
  What is the capital?      
  What river is the capital located on?      
  Who is at the head of the country?      
  What chambers (Houses) does the Parliament (Congress) of the country consist of?      

Ex.13. Групповая работа: подготовьте доклад в виде рекламного каталога по следующим темам:

a) New York;

b) San Francisco;

c) Los Angeles;

d) Chicago.



TV to defend justice

a telly to defend the weak and offended

colour television (set) to be kind and patient

cable television to find your way in life

video to believe in love/ reality

satellite television aggression

to shoot (shot/shot) a film violence

to release a film to be indifferent

to switch on/ off to keep you in suspense

to turn on /off to grab your attention

to watch television amusing (funny)

to see smth on television gripping (absorbing)

a talk show exciting

to go to the cinema (movie, pictures) boring (dull)

a cartoon touching (moving)

a musical excellent

a game show wonderful

a feature film great

a western magnificent

an action film sensational

a horror film impressive

a thriller decent (worth seeing)

a comedy rotten (lousy)

a melodrama horrible

a documentery serious

a historical film educational

a serial it makes you laugh (cry, happy, miserable, yawn)

an installment (a part of a serial) long-drawn-out

to be based on a novel technically brilliant

to be stuffed with events the film depicts (tells of)

to be full of special effects the acting is superb (convincing, poor, indifferent,

realistic/ unrealistic artificial)

a mysterious plot to reveal the complex interior life of the character

a dynamic story

funny / dramatic situations

Ex.1. Ответьте на вопросы:

· Do you like to go to the movies?

· What cinema(s) do you prefer?

· How often do you go there?

· What film did you see last?

· What famous actors/actresses do you know?

Ex.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сравните Российское кино с американским.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 915 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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