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Примечания к Главе 2

1 David McCullough, Truman (Simon & Schuster, 1992), 564.

2 Robert Spector, основываясь на исследовании William W. Wicks, Shared Values: A History of Kimberly-Clark (Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 1997), 101.

3 "Darwin Smith may have done too good a Job", Business Week, August 1,1988,57; "Rae takes on the paper industry's tough lone wolf", The Globe and Mail, July 20, 1991; "Former CEO of K-C dies" The Dallas Morning News, December 27, 1995, ID.

4 Интервью в рамках исследования #5-Е, стр. 26.

5 Там же.

6 "Darwin Smith may have done too good a Job", Business Week, August 1,1988, 57.

7 "Darwin Smith may have done too good a Job", Business Week, August 1, 1988, 57; "Kimberly-Clark Bets, Wins on Innovation", The Wall Street Journal, November 22, 1991, AS; "Darwin E. Smith, 69, Executive Who Remade a Paper Company ",The New York Times, December 28, 1995; Robert Spector, основываясь на исследовании William W. Wicks, Shared Values: A History of Kimberly-Clark (Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 1997), 101.

8 Robert Spector, основываясь на исследовании William W. Wicks, Shared Values: A History of Kimberly-Clark (Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 1997), 112.

9 International Directory of Company Histories, (Chicago: St. James Press, 1991), Volume III, 40; "Kimberly-Clark—Aiming for the Consumer", Financial World, April 1, 1970.

10 Robert Spector, основываясь на исследовании William W. Wicks, Shared Values: A History of Kimberly-Clark (Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 1997), 106,112; "Darwin E. Smith, 69, Executive Who Remade a Paper Company", The New York Times, December 28,1995; "Former CEO of K-C dies" The Dallas Morning News, ID December 27, 1995; Research Interview #5-E, Page 6; "Paper Tiger: How Kimberly-Clark Wraps its Bottom Line in Disposable Huggies", The Wall Street Journal, July 23, 1987,1.

11 "The Battle Of The Bottoms",Forbes, March 24, 1997, 98.

12 Item.

13 Robert Spector, основываясь на исследовании William W. Wicks, Shared Values: A History of Kimberly-Clark (Connecticut: Greenwich Publishing Group, 1997), 10.

14 Shelby Foote, The Civil War, A Narrative, Red River to Appomattox (Random House, 1975), 1040; James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era (New York: Ballantine Books, 1989), 854.

15 Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Global Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 14.

16'Company. "Chronology", Gillette Corporate Type-script, 1995; Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Global Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 198; Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Global Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 199; Rita Ricardo Campbell, Resisting Hostile Takeovers: The Case of Gillette (Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 1997), 153.

17 Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Global Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 159.

18 Rita Ricardo Campbell, Resisting Hostile Takeovers: The Case of Gillette (Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 1997).

19 Беседа автора с главой Gillette, лето 2000. «Мы инвестировали $1,5 млрд в Sensor и Mach3. Мы верили, что эти проекты были бы приостановлены, если бы поглоще­ние произошло.»

20 Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Global Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 158. Расчеты произведены с использованием данных CRSP.

2[ Ibid., 254.

22 "Maxwell Relinquishes Rights to $5.5 Million Final Retirement Payment", PR Newswire, January 21,1992; "$5.5 Million Declined by Ex-Official," The Washington Post, January 22, 1992, Fl.

23 "lacocca's Last Stand" Fortune, April 20,1992, 63.

24 "Sincere Tyranny", Forbes, January 28,1985, 54.

25 "Managing: Leaders of Corporate Change", Fortune, December 14,1992,104.

26 "Chairman Quits Post", The New York Times, November 17,1992, D5; "Rubbermaid's Sad Succession Tale", The New York Times, July 5,1987.

27 "Is Rubbermaid Reacting Too Late?" The New York Times, December 22,1996,1:1.

28 Интервью в рамках исследования #7-D, стр. 17.

29 Chris Jones and Duane Duffy, Media Hype Analysis (не опубликовано), проект «От хорошего к великому», лето 1998, 1999.

30 "Did CEO Dunlap save Scott Paper-or Just pretty it up? The Shredder", Business Week, January 15, 1996.

31 "Did CEO Dunlap save Scott Paper-or just pretty it up? The Shredder", Business Week, January 15, 1996; "Chain Saw Al to the rescue?" Forbes, August 26, 1996; "After the Fall", Across the Board, April 1996, 28-33; "Only the Paranoid Survive", Worth Online, October 1996; Albert Dunlap with Bob Andelman, Mean Business: How I Save Bad Companies and Make Good Companies Great (New York: Fireside, 1997), 20.

32 Albert J. Dunlap with Bob Andelman, Mean Business: How I Save Bad Companies and Make Good Companies Great (New York: Fireside, 1997), 132.

33 Компании, харизма лидеров которых становилась обузой: Great Western, Warner-Lambert, Scott Paper, Bethlehem Steel, R.J. Reynolds, Addressograph Multigraph, Eckerd, Bank of America, Burroughs, Chrysler, Rubbermaid и Teledyne.

34 "President lacocca," The Wall Street Journal, July 28,1982,1; "lacocca Hands Over the Keys to Chrysler," Investor's Business Daily, January 4, 1993, 1.

35 "lacocca Hands Over the Keys to Chrysler", Investor's Business Daily, January 4,1993,1.

36 "How Chrysler filled Detroit's biggest shoes", The Wall Street Journal, September 7, 1994, Bl.

37"Why Certain Stocks", The Wall Street Journal, April 13, 1995, Al; "Chrysler's New Plan: Sell Cars", Fortune, June 26, 1995, 19.

38 "Will Success Spoil Chrysler?" Fortune, January 10, 1994; "Company of the year: Chrysler has the hot cars. More important, it has a smart, disciplined management team", Forbes, January 13, 1997, 82; "Daimler-Benz will Acquire Chrysler in $36 Billion Deal that will Reshape Industry", The New York Times, May 7, 1998, Al:6.

39 Интервью в рамках проекта #1-А, стр. 3; #1-G, стр. 35; "A drug maker's return to

health" Business Week, April 26, 1976,38; Herman Kogan, The Long White Line: The Story Of Abbot Laboratories (New York: Random House, 1963), 249.

40 The Upjohn Company, International Directory of Company Histories, 707. "The Medicine Men of Kalamazoo", Fortune, July 1959, 106.

41 Leigh Wilbanks, группа изучения глав компаний (не опубликовано), проект «От хорошего к великому», лето 1998.

42 По источникам Центра исследования котировок ценных бумаг, все дивиден­ды реинвестированы, с поправкой на дробление акций.

43 Интервью в рамках проекта #10-D, стр. 9-10.

44 Herman Kogan and Rick Kogan, Pharmacist to the Nation (Illinois, Walgreeen Co., 1989), 236; Интервью в рамках проекта #10-F, стр. 3.

45 Интервью в рамках проекта #2-G, стр. 10.

46 По источникам Центра исследования котировок ценных бумаг, все дивиден­ды реинвестированы, с поправкой на дробление акций.

47 Интервью в рамках проекта #2-G, стр. 16.

48 Интервью в рамках проекта #7-Н, стр. 12.

49 Интервью в рамках проекта #8-А, стр. 4-5,9,10.

50 Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, I'm a Lucky Guy (Joseph F. Cullman 3"1,1998), 1.

51 "Searching for profits at Bethlehem", The New York Times, December 25,1983, Section 3,1.

52 "Steel Man Ken Iverson" Inc., April 1,1986,40.

53 Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Legend of the Nucor Corporation (Florida: Write Stuff Enterprises, 1997), 71.

54 Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, I'm a Lucky Guy (Joseph F. Cullman 3rd,1998).

55 Gordon McKibben, Cutting Edge: Gillette's Journey to Gbbal Leadership (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), 78-79.

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