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Some job-titles are found in a wide range of different workplaces. The broad meanings are given here. The exercises that follow will help you work out more precise meanings.

Task 1. Study carefully all the given information and learn the vocabulary you have not been familiar with.

director (member of the board of a company)

executive (important person who makes big decisions)

administrator (person who runs the office day-to-day)

clerk /kla:k/ (ordinary office worker)

skilled worker (trained to do specific tasks, e.g. building a computer)

unskilled worker (doing a job that needs no training)

labourer (does hard, physical work)

receptionist (visitors must check in with them)

public relations officer (gives information to the press, TV, etc. about the company)

safety officer (makes sure machines, etc. are not dangerous to use)

security officer (makes sure thieves/criminals cannot enter)

union representative (looks after the staff's interests)

economist (expert in financial matters)

personnel officer (takes care of administration for new and existing employees)

sales assistant (sells goods to the public)

education officer (organises training, classes, etc. for employees)

research-worker (investigates and develops new products)

supervisor (makes sure workers are doing their job properly)

Collocations of words connected with work:

It's not easy to get/find work round these parts. I've been offered work / a job in Paris.

What d'you do for a living? I'm in publishing/banking, etc.

It's hard to make a living as a freelance writer. [earn enough money to live comfortably]

She's not prepared to take on that job. [suggests 'having personal responsibility']

to do shift-work or to work shifts [nights one week, days the next week]

to be on flexi-time [flexible working hours]

to work nine-to-five [regular day work]

to go/be on strike [industrial dispute]

to get the sack [thrown out of your job]

to be fired [more formal than 'get the sack'; often used as a direct address: 'You're fired!']

to be made redundant [thrown out, no longer needed]

to be laid off [more informal than 'made redundant']

to give up work [e.g. in order to study]

to be on / take maternity (woman) or paternity (man) leave [before/after the birth of a baby]

to be on / take sick leave [be off work due to an illness]

to take early retirement [retire at 55]

to be a workaholic [love work too much]

to be promoted [get a higher position]

to apply for a job [fill in forms, etc.]

Task 2. Here are some professions (jobs that require considerable training and/or qualifications) and trades (skilled manual jobs requiring on-the-job and other training). Divide them into two groups.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 924 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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