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I. Engineers are decision makers, and decision making distinguishes engineers from scientists. Put the following stages in the decision-making process into the most likely order

Ex.I Identify a problem; Collect information; consider options; Evaluate alternatives; Choose the best solution; Act on the decision;

II. There are two problems that your company has to solve. Divide into two teams and try to choose the best solutions following the procedure of the decision-making process.

The main disadvantage of mechanical gyroscopes is that they contain moving parts. Moving parts cause friction, which in turn causes the output to drift over time.

Mechanical gyroscopes also require a few minutes to warm up, which is not ideal in many situations.


I. There exist three varieties of gyroscopes that all serve the same purpose of measuring orientation angles, but work by employing different physical principles, have different structures and include variety of advantages and disadvantages. complete the table by writing the given information in the appropriate column.

  Mechanical gyroscopes Ring laser gyroscopes MEMS gyroscopes
physical principle      

work by measuring the time difference of the arrival of a laser beam on a detector;

…work by exploiting a phenomenon known in physics as conservation of angular momentum;

… work by measuring the deflection, of a small vibrating bar, due to the rotation of an object;

simple to use; light weight; easy to construct; expensive; large complicated design; compact;

high energy input; lack of moving parts; tuning fork, electro-magnets, sensor;

laser source, mirrors, detector; no moving parts; the maintenance costs are much less when compared to the other varieties of gyroscopes; highly accurate; mostly for military applications due to their high cost; one needed per axis; cheap price per unit (around $30); not as accurate as the other gyroscopes; small size; low energy input required;

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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