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I. Complete the description of the mechanical gyroscope by filling the gaps with the proper words or phrases. Use the picture given below

Figure 1: Typical two-axis mechanical gyroscope configuration

A typical gyroscope 1_____ in Figure 1. The electrically 2_____ rotor is suspended in a pair of precision low-friction 3_____ at either 4____ of the rotor axle. The rotor bearings are in turn supported by a circular ring, known 5_____ ring. This inner gimbal ring pivots on a second set of bearings that attach it 6_____. This pivoting action of the inner gimbal defines the 7_____ of the gyro, which 8_____ to the spin axis of the rotor. The outer gimbal ring 9_____ the instrument frame 10_____ a third set of bearings that define the vertical axis of the gyro. The vertical axis is perpendicular 11_____ the horizontal axis and the spin axis.

Ex. I 1- configuration is shown; 2-driven; 3- bearings; 4- end; 5- as the inner gimbal; 6- to the outer gimbal ring; 7- horizontal axis; 8- is perpendicular; 9-is attached to; 10- by; 11- to both;

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 615 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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