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II. Complete the description of the graph with the proper words or phrases

Arizona's Export Participation in the Global Marketplace

Arizona's dependence on exports has __1__ to fall considerably __2__ the 1997 Asian crisis, when exports accounted __3__ 10.9 percent of state Gross Domestic Product (GDP). __4__ 1997 and 2004, Arizona's exports were always above the national average. GDP share of the goods-producing sector (mining, construction and manufacturing) __5__ from 22 percent in 1997 __6__ 15 percent in 2008. __7__, GDP share of the service sector (excluding government) ____ 8 ____ 75.3 percent in 1997 to 82.1 percent in 2008. A high population __9__ has provided economic opportunities in service-providing sectors __10__ retail, financial activities and health care.

Ex. II writing 1- continued;2-since; 3-for; 4- Between; 5- declined; 6-to; 7- On the other hand; 8- increased from; 9- growth; 10- such as;

Unit 4

Ex.I military avionics subsystems: weapon management, electronic countermeasures, mission planning, formation flight.

Ex.II 1-f; 2-c; 3-h; 4-b; 5-d; 6-g; 7-a; 8-e;

Ex.III 1-dispalys; 2-controls; 3-computation; 4 - Data buses; 5- Safety partitioning; 6- Environment.

Ex.IV 1-f; 2-t; 3-f; 4-f; 5-t; 6-f;

Ex. V 1-d; 2-i; 3-e; 4-j; 5-b; 6-c; 7-f; 8-a; 9-h; 10-g;

Ex. VI 1- airborne electronics; 2- terrain data; 3- data processing; 4- radio transmitter; 5- flight controls;

Ex. VII 1-fly-by-wire; 2-throttle; 3-architecture; 4-intermingle; 5-fault tolerance; 6-hardware; 7-bus;
Ex. VIII 1 - at aviation door;2- pace of technology;3- software updates;4- to accomplish this task;5- come in two forms;6- permanently installed;7- During software uploads;8- data from aircraft computers;

Ex. IX 1-b; 2-d; 3-b; 4-c; 5-a; 6-d; 7-b; 8-c; 9-a; 10-b; 11-d;


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