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Exercise 6.4.6. Choose the correct item

1. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

a) are invited b) were invited c) invite

2. Look! The bridge (repair).

a) is being repaired b) is been repaired c) has been repaired

3. The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.

a) will be post b) will have been posted c) will be posted

4. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

a) were held b) are being held c) are held

5. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven’t got any results.

a) has been studied b) has being studied c) was studied

6. This book (republish) by the end of September.

a) would be republished b) will have been republished c) will been republished

7. A police car came when the injured man (carry off) the road.

a) was being carried off b) was been carrying off c) has been carried off

8. I (bear) in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

a) was borne b) am born c) was born

9. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already / pack).

a) was already being packed b) had already been packed c) was packed

10. What a pity, John won’t come. He (tell) about the meeting beforehand.

a) should have been told b) should be told c) should been told

Exercise 6.4.7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 695 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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