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In your project work you should use the offered Vocabulary List

Task 1. Виконання.


І т.д.

‘Social Work’

Social work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating social conditions favorable for achieving this goal. Social work consists of the professional application of social work values, principles and techniques to one or more of the following ends: helping people to obtain tangible services; providing counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups; helping communities or groups to provide or improve social and health services and also practicing in relevant legislative processes.

The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior, awareness of social, economic and cultural institutions and the mutual interaction of all these factors..

There are different specialties in the sphere of social work, for example: rural social work, occupational social work, clinical social work, preventive social work, police social work and others.

Rural social work is practically oriented to helping people who have unique problems and needs arising out of living in agricultural or sparsely populated areas.

School social work is the specialty oriented towards helping pupils and students to make satisfactory school adjustments. Psychiatric social work or clinical social work is the type of work oriented to a mental health setting. Occupational social work or industrial social work is the provision of professional human services in the workplace through employer-funded programs.

Preventive social work is the professional application of social work, theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction, disability or impairment, including emotional and mental disorders.

Task 2. Translate the text ‘Social Work’ in a written form from English into Russian or Ukrainian.

Task 2. Методична рекомендація. Студентам пропонується перекласти текст у письмовій формі українською або російською мовою з англійської.

Task 3. A project work. Методична рекомендація. Студентам пропонується виконати творчу письмову роботу на запропоновану тему ‘You are a Social Worker in a Private School’

Студентам пропонується уявити, що вони є соціальним працівником приватної школи та зробити письмову презентацію згідно структури письмової роботи, яка пропонується під пунктом The structure of the project work. → ….. Студентам пропонується обов’язково використовувати такі часові форми як Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous Tense Forms, дотримуючись структури письмової роботи. Студентам слід також використовувати запропонований лексичний матеріал з теми, що вивчається.

Лексичний матеріал:

- A blackboard; a whiteboard; a flipchart; use flashcards; use different handouts (роздатковий матеріал); coloured toys; play different games; play with toys/dolls; use a special approach; take an exam; pass an exam; work hard on…; be interested in…; motivate; interest smb in smth; be very good at…; learn how to…; write/read/retell/discuss/complete stories/essays/compositions; attentively listen to a teacher; enjoy studying; listen to teacher’s explanations; take part in …..cultural events/competitions; succeed in..; make an effort to do smth; show/demonstrate good results; provide a high quality teaching service; be well educated; be well organized; analyse; communicate with mates/friends from different countries; have a video/skype lessons;develop skills; send smb to school; a private school; a public school; a difference between…smth and smth;differ from smth..; differ in smth..; attend a school; attend a course; go to school; start/finish a school day; wear a special school uniform; take an exam; fail an exam; pass an exam; retake an exam; study for an exam; relax; learn by heart; come to school; leave school; take smb to school; do homework; learn/study several foreign languages; spend the free time with classmates at weekend; go on different excursions; have an extra lesson; like…subjects; advantages/disadvantages of V+ing/ Noun; ask/answer questions a the lesson; have music/painting/dancing lessons; interesting; be thankful to smb for smth; before classes; after classes; get tired; have a rest; have a nap; be equipped with; parents; be happy with smb;s progress/results/achievements/success.

Завдання слід виконувати в електронному форматі одразу після тексту з приміткою.

Task 3. Виконання. Dear parents……(minimum 150 words)

The structure of the project work. →

· Imagine that you are a social worker in a private school, start your presentation with greetings and some sentences with the history of your school and social services which are currently provided in your school;

· Write about the system of education and training in your school, mention the age, category of children who are welcomed to your nursery/elementary school;

· Write about the system of social testing children, entrance and final exams which children should take on finishing the nursery/elementary school course;

· Write about the social services which are provided by social workers in this school and how this service can help parents and children to succeed in learning subjects;

· Write some recommendations to the children’s parents who are going to send their children to your school.

Task 4. Write a project ‘My Previous Term of Studying at College’ (minimum 200 words). Highlight all the possible activities which you were doing during the whole term, pay attention to the use of the Simple, Continuous and Perfect tense Forms in the Past. You are also recommended to use the offered Vocabulary:

Task 4. Методична рекомендація. Студентам пропонується виконати творчу письмову роботу на тему ‘My Previous Term of Studying at College’ (minimum 200 words).. Студентам зробити проект-доповідь у письмовій формі з метою повідомлення про те, як вони навчались протягом попереднього семестру, звертаючи увагу на вживання Simple, Continuous and Perfect tense Forms in the Past та запропонованого вокабул яру.

Лексичний матеріал: be the first/second/third year student; study for…; have a lot of work; study hard; get/have a lot of tasks; do many different activities; go to college 6 days a week; have 8-10 lessons a day; spend a lot of time in the library; at free time….; interesting; learn such subjects as…; the most favourite subject…; spend a lot of time on….; have a helpful/friendly groupmate/s; participate in different cultural and entertaining events; help friends; ask friends for help if…; study for exams well; (not) to make many mistakes; correct mistakes; early in the morning; late in the evening; in the afternoon; after the lunch time; want to be/to become…; enjoy studying; what I like/dislike about…; be happy with; be sorry about; have too long winter holidays; to be going to start the next term; look forward to; miss smb/smth; listen to lectures; attend practical classes; take notes; get to; get exhausted/tired of; be in time for; be punctual and polite; be a good mannered person; to learn how to; be late for; prepare projects; hold presentations; revise smth; get good/bad marks; retake exams; develop professional skills; improve… skills; be in a hurry; (it) take a lot of time to….;

Task 5. Write a project (an essay) (minimum 200 words) in which express your opinion on the suggested problem: →what are the most popular foreign languages that people learn in your country? Why?

- What is the most common way to learn a foreign language. You are also recommended to write about how you learn best, with a teacher in a classroom or on your own.

- Write about what factors/things you would like to change about the way you are learning English, if you could.

In your project work you should use the offered Vocabulary List.

Task 5. Методична рекомендація. Студентам пропонується у письмовій формі підготувати проект- доповідь з проблеми вивчення іноземної мови, висвітлити типові та загальні проблеми вивчення іноземних мов, висловити свою думку про нагальність проблеми вивчення іноземної мови, та звернути увагу, яка саме іноземна мова є найпоширенішою для вивчення й чому. Студентам слід відповісти на запропоновані питання та вжити запропонований лексичний матеріал. Об’єм доповіді - не менш ніж 200 слів.

Лексичний матеріал: create a special learning environment; presence of a teacher; lively discussion; contact/communicate with other students; participate in pairwork/groupwork; ask/answer questions; complete and act dialogues; make/hold powerpoint presentations; [peaceful/helpful/friendly atmosphere; work at own speed; develop reading/speaking/listening/grammar/writing skills; study for an international exam; convenient; immediate feedback; motivation; interaction; penpals; a significant reason for; an advantage/disadvantage of…-V+ing; native speaker/ non-native speaker; mother tongue(рідна мова); hold an interview; interview smb; deal with…; have good relationships with; work ona project; describe; a strict/ demanding/ responsible/reliable person.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 215 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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