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Ex. 5. Translate the words and phrases given in brackets

1. (На пике) of the business cycle (происходит резкий подъем экономики).

2. The rate of (банкротств) is very high.

3. The way to smooth out (экономические колебания) is not found yet.

4. (По ряду различных причин) consumers and businesses begin to reduce (уровни расходов).

5. Economists (предсказывают) that (производство будет снижаться) in the next few months.

6. After (периода спада) the economy (в конечном счете) begins (восстанавливаться).

7. Business may (временно уволить) workers, reduce (приобретение сырья) and reduce

production because they have built up (излишние запасы).

8. The period of recession is (низшая точка экономического цикла).

9. The worst depression in American history, is known as (Великая депрессия).

10. In 1933 numbers of people lost their (сбережения) because more than 4,000 (частных

банков) closed (навсегда).

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian. Mind the translation of prepositions “like” and “as”.

1. What a beautiful house! It’s like a palace.

2. What does he do? He’s a teacher, like me.

3. Some sports like motor racing can be dangerous.

4. Like the manager, she also has to make important decisions.

5. Everybody is ill at home. Our house is like a hospital.

6. The situation with sales has not been like last year.

7. Before joining us he worked as a sales manager for a cosmetic company.

8. It is not like them to keep us waiting for the deliver; they are usually very punctual.

9. After the company reorganization we started to work as an independent division.

10. As mentioned earlier this evening, we have a guest speaker.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 448 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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