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Free market and mixed economies

1. Does the government play any role in the management of the economy?

2. What is the free market system based on?

3. Who owns the means of production?

4. Is there any government control over land, capital and labour?

5. Why does business produce goods?

6. According to what are the workers paid wages?

7. What is the basic reason for so many different styles, fabrics and brands of clothing for


8. What is the market economy directed by?

9. Who decides what is to be produced in market economy?

10. Are consumes free to choose what they want to buy?

11. Why are the workers encouraged to work hard?

12. What keeps prices low?

13. Does government provide health and education available for everybody?

14. What happens in the economy if government doesn’t control it?

15. What might business be encouraged to create in order to increase prices?

16. Is there a country in the world with completely free market economy?

17. What has system the mixture of market forces and government participation led to?

18. What is public sector in mixed economy made up of?

19. Where does the money for state health and education services come from?

20. What sectors does the mixed economy consist of?

21. What is a private sector of missed economy made up of?

22. What important industries and organizations does the government control in many



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Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 201 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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