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ЧАСТЬ 1. Для того, чтобы выполнить часть 1 контрольной работы № 2, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы, задания и упражнения к ним прилагаемого грамматического

Для того, чтобы выполнить часть 1 контрольной работы
№ 2, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы, задания и упражнения к ним прилагаемого грамматического пособия: «Практикум по обучению грамматическим основам чтения» Турук И.Ф.:

Тема 3. Неличные формы глагола в предложении:

Причастие (Раздел 3.1).

Герундий (Раздел 3.2).

Отглагольное существительное (раздел 3.3).

I. Выберите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию определения, определите форму причастия и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The engineer making that experiment took a lot of measurements.

2. While working with a map, make sure that you know whether your map is marked in feet or in meters.

3. The word «physics» comes from the Greek word meaning «nature».

4. A scientist beginning some experiment should be very careful and attentive.

5. Much of the data collected will be fed into machines and computers during the coming months.

6. Having collected the material the scientist started to write his new work.

II. Выберите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию обстоятельства, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. While crossing the river the boat turned over and all of them fell down into the water.

2. Going along the road he saw a strange object lying on the ground.

3. The water flowing from springs and streams makes rivers or lakes.

4. He was sitting by the fire at the inn, drinking tea and talking to an old man.

5. Being designed by a talented scientific worker the device was a success.

6. Having looked out of the window she saw her friend on the opposite side of the street.

III. Подчеркните Participle II и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. When I came nearer I saw an excited crowd at the door of his house.

2. He says that the radio set bought by you is out of order.

3. Another problem in the novel is the position of woman in society.

4. Acknowledged by the public Mark Twain became one of the leading journalists of America.

5. Built some hundred years ago, the house stood still intact.

6. Thirty loaded lorries followed by six cars were moving along the road.

IV. Определите функцию герундия и переведите предложе-
ния на русский язык.

1. It was Columbus' aim to reach the Indians by sailing to the West

2. When night came all hope of returning safely to land was gone.

3. In describing Robinson's life on the island, Defoe glorifies human labour.

4. Travelling in the jungle of Central Africa is rather dangerous because of the great number of wild animals there.

5. His going home so late caused a storm of protest.

V. Выпишите и переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых встречаются: 1) причастие и 2) герундий.

1. After introducing technology in that branch of industry some changes must be made as soon as possible.

2. It is known of their working at the problem under discussion.

3. Having made a great number of experiments with different devices the research group chose the best one for practical work.

4. Adding numbers is the easiest process in the system of calculation.

5. A new computer will be used for all types of data processing.

6. Making a programme for the computer the programmer faced many difficulties.

VI. Переведите текст на русский язык письменно, подчерк-
ните -ing форму и определите ее функции.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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