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The Present and Past Perfect Continuous Tenses

1. Read the situation and complete it as in the example (use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense):

Example: The rain started 2 hours ago. It’s still raining now. – It has been raining for 2 hours.

1. I started attending Civil Law classes in September. I’m still studying Law. 2. Our father began to work as a judge 10 years ago. He is still working. 3. The investigator started to question the criminal an hour ago. He is still doing it. 4. I began reading this law report half an hour ago. I am still reading. 5. Ann began looking for a job at the Prosecutor’s Office 6 months ago. She is still looking now.

2. Change the following sentences into the Past Perfect Continuous making necessary changes:

Example: Mark has been preparing for his exam in Constitutional Law for 3 hours. – After Mark had been preparing for his exam in Constitutional Law for 3 hours, he decided to have a rest.

1. He has been following a thief for an hour. 2. I have been writing a law report for half an hour. 3. They have been discussing the judge’s decision the whole day. 4. A doctor has been examining the victim for 10 minutes. 5. They have been discussing a new substantive law for a week already.

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Слідчий допитує підозрюваного вже годину. 2. Бійка тривала годину, коли приїхала поліція. 3. Поліція розшукує злочинця цілий рік. 4. Коли Джон закінчив університет, його брат працював суддею вже два роки. 5. Лікар оглядає жертву вже годину. 6. Законодавці обговорюють новий закон вже місяць. 7. Він допитував звинуваченого вже годину, коли інший слідчий повідомив про другу крадіжку майна.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 299 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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