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Discuss some problems connected with serious violations of human rights and express your opinion

Problem one: It is December 7, 1941. You are the president of the United States. You have just learned that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. Many American civilians had been killed as a result of unexpected attack. You confer with Senate leaders about possible disloyalty that might exist among some of the Japanese Americans living in the United States. You decide that these U.S. citizens do pose security risks because some may assist Japan in its war efforts against the United States. All Japanese Americans are therefore ordered to report detention centres in the United States where they will stay until the war is over.

Assume that the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration, and the 1966 International Covenants were all in existence before your decision to confine your citizens to “relocation camps”. Have you caused your country to incur any legal obligations for violating the human rights of its Japanese-American citizens?

Problem two: Child labour is a very serious problem in many third world countries. In general, they are used for low skill and labour intensive jobs, such as agriculture, mining, food processing, and manufacturing good such as carpets, garments and furniture. Employers prefer children, as they are more obedient than their adult counterparts, and less likely to complain about their poor treatment. There have been reports of children not receiving their promised pay. As the children are unable to receive a proper education, it is difficult for them to rectify their situation. As little as the children are earning, it enables them to financially support their families. Many of the child workers are satisfied with their payment, and enjoy the special working status that they hold.

Discuss this topic with your groupmates. Prove that child labour is not only a problem facing humanity nowadays but it is a serious violation of the human rights.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 359 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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