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Stages of Civil Litigation in the USA

complaint, answer, served, cause, attorney, admit, default judgment, claim, summons, plaintiff, counter-claim, to interplead, defendant, defences, cross-claim

To start a civil case pleading must be filed with the court, called a 1, naming the party against whom the case is brought, the 2. The person or organization filing the case is called the 3. Most civil cases are prepared and filed by an 4 paid for by the plaintiff. The complaint must state a 5 of action.

Next a 6 is issued, inviting defendant to come to court. The summons tells the defendant how many days he has to make appearance and file an 7. If he does not, a 8 may be entered against him.

Once 9 with summons, a defendant must appear and file an answer and 10 or deny the claim. Defendant may file a 11 against plaintiff for any other claim, even if totally unrelated to plaintiff’s case (even a tort action countering a contract action). Defendant may file a 12 against another defendant or a single one of multiple plaintiffs. Defendant can request the court for permission 13 a party, who defendant thinks may be affected by the case and whose presence is needed for a full and final determination. Defendant can also file affirmative 14 such as set-off (зарахування вимог). In some cases if defendant has an affirmative defence,
counter-claim, or cross-claim, and does not file it, he loses that 15 for all time.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 702 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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