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Steps To Follow After A Motor Vehicle Accident

If you, or someone you know, has been injured in automobile collision you (or the person involved) should do the following:

1) Don't sign anything except a ticket, citation or report issued by police. Never sign anything else at the accident scene. Signing some types of documents may jeopardize your rights.

2) Get out of your vehicle. Although you must remain on the accident scene, remove yourself from further danger by getting out of your vehicle --- and out of traffic.

3) Turn off your engine to minimize the risk of fire.

4) Stop your car... no matter who is at fault, the law requires you to stop and exchange names, addresses and insurance information at the scene of an accident.

5) Collect information. If possible, collect information about the accident at the scene or as soon after as appropriate.

6) Call for police or medical assistance. Even if there are no injuries, assistance may be necessary to clear the accident scene, handle traffic, and file an accident report.

7) Inform your insurance company. Call your agent or your company's claims number and inform them that you have been involved in a collision and give them the information about the time, date and place of the collision and the people involved.

8) Don't discuss the accident... except for giving necessary details to police, medical personnel, your insurance company, or your attorney, do not discuss the accident...especially with insurance companies or lawyers representing other people or insurance companies.

Unit 1 Civil Law Section 2 Unification of European Civil Law  

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 354 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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