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Look through the following recommendations for vehicle crime prevention. Imagine you are a policeman and give advice to an ordinary citizen on safeguarding mobile phones

Vehicle crime - protect yourself

Did you know that...

Most vehicle crime is preventable. It can take as little as 10 seconds for a thief to steal something from your car. If at all possible, leave nothing on view.

NEVER leave valuable items in your car, including sunglasses, the removable radio cover and your Sat Nav. Do you really need all those things you keep in the glove box?

Consider fitting anti-tamper screws to your number plate.

Never leave your car keys where they can be seen from the front door.

Vehicle common sense


Close the windows and sunroof; lock the doors and activate any security devices when leaving your car unattended.

Park with care, particularly at night or if you are leaving the vehicle for a long time. If possible, park in a busy, well-lit area.


Leave cash, credit cards, chequebook, mobile phones, vehicle documents or other valuables in the car.

Never leave your keys in the car, even for a second - treat them as you would your cash and credit cards.

Buying a used car - Be prepared!

Always Ask to see proof of the seller's identity and address - an official letter or driving licence, for example.

Make sure the car's VIN matches that on the registration document (V5) - The VIN, formerly known as the chassis number, is a unique 17 character number issued to every vehicle by the manufacturer.

Unit 5 Review on Law-Enforcement Agencies in the UK and USA Section 2 Law-Enforcement Bodies in the USA

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 366 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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