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IV. Writing

Choose the topic and prepare a report (written composition) using the given word-combinations:

· The powers of the Councillors

The current arrangement, local government, in England, to be, the result, a comprehensive policy, a range of incremental measures, the structure of local government, to be reformed and rationalised, local government areas, to become, fewer and larger; to amend the functions of local councils, not to have historically split, between executive and legislature, functions, to be vested in, the council itself, to be exercised, usually, by committees or subcommittees of the council, the leader, to chair, typically, several important committees, not to have special authority, the chair of the council, to be an honorary position with no real power, councilors, cannot do the work of the council themselves, to be responsible for, appointment and oversight of officers, to be delegated, to perform most tasks, local authorities, nowadays, have to appoint, a "Chief Executive Officer", with overall responsibility, for council employees, and, who, to operate, in conjunction with, department heads, in some areas, much of the work, to be undertaken by, council employees.

· The City Manager Plan

The city manager plan, to serve for, a very technical job, in public management, the city manager plan, to foster, professionalization, in the various municipal departments, the city manager, to be, highly, trained and experienced, a professional, to be entrusted, most executive powers, the city manager plan, to be adopted, a number of cities, an elected council, a city manager, to carry out, the decisions, to draw up the city budget, to supervise the departments, a professional administrator, to have power and responsibility, to place at the head, each department, the most capable individual, the city manager, to be interested in, the appointment, a chief of police, the complete separation of the legislative and administration functions, the city manager form, local government, to be adopted, the smaller communities of the nation, the officials of, local government, to be, civic leaders of, the communities.

· The powers of the Governors

The chief executives, many powers, to have the veto power to a bill, to overturn a governor’s veto, by a three-fourth majority of both houses of the legislature, in the event, a statewide elected official dies, or to be incapacitated, to have power to appoint a replacement, to serve until the next election, to have control over the administrative apparatus of the state, state agencies, to regulate, health, education, banking, law enforcement, gas, electric, phone utilities, other public services, all states, to have, chief financial officers, some states, the head of school system, an individual, in others, a commission, to be composed of several members, as, the Board of Regents, in, New York, governor, to have, term of office, ten original states, one year, two years, three years, forty-seven states, four year term, most states, to institute, an executive budget, to be prepared by, governors, through their authority, to exercise strong control, the legislature.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 284 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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