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III. Practice and experience. A. In the table find eight administrative law terms

A. In the table find eight administrative law terms.

B. Make up sentences of your own with these terms.

r u l e m a k i n g
e r t y u i y r e w
a j a g e n c y a f
d t z x c v b n d j
j r a s r u l e m m
u i d f h j k l i w
d b q z x c v b n e
i u r e v i e w i r
c n w e r f g h s l
a a b n j k l m t k
t l q w e r t y r a
i c v b n m m j a t
o z x c v b v n t s
n b g t r d s e i l
r e g u l a t i o n
h j k l s s w h n y

Use the diagram in ex. 1B to speak about the administrative system in Ukraine.

Compare the administrative system in Ukraine and that of the USA. Make up a plan. At first find all similar points and then the different ones.


1. Using the previous information try to write and present your possible 5 minute talk. You are suggested to choose one of the offered themes of prefer your own:

- Administrative bodies: their tasks and duties.

- Judicial review - what is it?

- Actions of executive agencies in the Administrative Procedure Act.


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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