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D) the meaning of VoIP

I'm a Telecommunications Technician. I work for a company which provides phone systems for business use, especially banks. I've been with the company for eight years. Before that, I was in the army for four years. I joined when I left school. I was in Signals. They trained me to set up and maintain mobile communications equipment - satellite dishes, antennas, VHF radios, that sort of thing. I enjoyed my time in the army -mostly because I traveled quite a lot. I've been to Norway, Kenya, and Belize.

I've seen quite a few changes in phone systems. We've replaced copper cables with fibre-optic networks. The most important one now is the change to VoIP. That's Voice over Internet Protocol. Basically, it's a system that allows voice signals to be sent via the Internet. You can make long distance calls cheaply.

In general, telecommunications equipment has become more complex, more powerful in the data it can handle and lighter. My job used to be 70% brain and 30% muscle. Now, it's 90% brain and 10% muscle!

Most of my work is indoors though. It's not just installing and testing equipment. I have to explain to clients how to use the new systems. Being able to explain quite complicated technology in simple terms is an important part of my work. That's one of the things I enjoy most.

Sometimes I have to work outdoors to bring a line into a building or fix a dish on the roof. It's great in summer but it's not much fun if it's pouring with rain! (Technology, Unit 13, Listening scripts)

Questions: 1. Where did he first learn about telecommunications? 2. Name a change he has experienced in telecommunications. 3. Why is his job now much more about brain than muscle? 4. What does he like most about his job? 5. What does he not like?

V Read what Diana Mayo, an IT Support Technician, writes about her job. Read her story and try to retell it briefly:

I’m an IT (Information Technology) Support Technician. I work for a large chain which sells building materials to the public and to tradespeople. Almost every business these days, large or small, needs support technicians.

When I left college, I got a job through an agency working for a company which provided online support to local businesses and individuals. I was on their help desk. That meant taking calls and providing advice on all sorts of problems. It's a job where you need not just technical skills but also good 'soft skills'. That means people-handling skills. You need to be able to understand how the caller feels as well as trying to solve their IT problems. You have to keep calm when you're under pressure. People may be pretty frustrated by the time they phone you, and they expect you to fix their problem right away. It's a demanding job because you have to cope sometimes with angry people, get all the information you need to help them with their problem, work out how to solve it technically, and then explain in a clear, simple way what they can do to put things right.

A help desk is a good place to start. You learn to think quickly and how to handle people but I wouldn't advise doing it for long. It's not the best paid job. In my present job I get to work with people face-to-face. The work is more interesting. It's not all trouble-shooting. I also get to install software, maintain servers, and advise on the best choice of new hardware. The money is better too. I find the best way to find information on problems is to use the Internet. Most of the manufacturers have sites which provide information. There are also newsgroups for sharing information.

I'm planning to get Microsoft certification. My company is prepared to pay for the courses and the exams. It's good for them as it means I can do more and it's good for my future. (Technology, Unit 12, p. 89)

Find an expression in the text which means:

People - handling skills, problem-solving, working directly with people, dealing with telephone calls.


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 576 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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