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Причастия (и прилагательные) в составе сказуемого, вынесенные на первое место, и причастия в функции определения, обстоятельства и вводного члена предложения

Переведите, предварительно определив функцию причастия.

1. Cut in the rock on the face of a great cliff in the eastern part of Persia, there was an inscription in three languages.

2. Look closely at the bare branches of a tree, on which not the palest gleam of green can be discerned. Yet, spaced along each branch are the leaf buds, safely preserved under the insulating layers.

3. Lying in the open Atlantic between Brazil and Africa, St. Paul's Rocks are an obstruction thrust up from the floor of the ocean into the midst of the Equatorial Current.

4. These animals could have been portrayed only when they were still living during the Glacial Epoch. Confirming this is the fact that representations of these animals have been found embedded in the hearth ashes and detritus associated with skeletal remains of animals of the same species.

5. Viewed in the right way, it is evident that the local «Stone Age» lasted in Central Russia up to the first millenium В. С.

6. Intermingled with these shells are found the bones of various animals.

7. In the midst of the most extraordinary abundance, here are men, women and children dying of starvation; and running alongside a splendid chariot are poor, forlorn, almost naked wretches.

8. Viewed from the standpoint of palaeonthology all this evidence is untenable.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 274 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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