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The Place of Articles

§ 65. The article is generally placed before the noun with
which it is associated.

e.g. I was silent for a moment. Then I thought of the children.

If the noun is modified by an attribute (or attributes) placed
before it, the article generally precedes them.

e.g. She had a pair of the most intelligent bright brown eyes

Robert had ever seen.
In the train, we found an empty third-class carriage.

§ 66. Yet there arc a few attributes in English which affect
the place of the article.

1) The indefinite article is placed after an adjective if that ad-
jective is preceded by so, as, too and however.

e.g. We most of us hesitate to make so complete a statement.
They are as happy a couple as I've ever seen.
It was too good a chance to be missed.
Travelling on however humble a scale is expensive in Scotland.

2) The indefinite article is placed after the attributive phrase
too much of.

e.g. It was too much of a temptation for George to resist saying it.

3) The place of the indefinite article is optional if the adjec-
tive which modifies the noun is preceded by quite or rather. In
this case the indefinite article may be placed between quite (or
rather) and the adjective or before the whole phrase.

e.g. He seems quite a decent fellow.

He made rather a surprising remark.

But also:

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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