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The Participle as a Second Action Accompanying the Action of the Predicate Verb

§ 247. The participle may express a second action accom-
panying the action of the predicate verb. The second action is pas-
sive in meaning and, hence, it shows that the person indicated by
the grammatical subject of the sentence undergoes the action de-
noted by the participle.

With terminative verbs, the participle in this function indi-
cates an action that precedes the action of the predicate verb,
e.g. Asked when they could expect an answer, the clerk said it

would take them about a week.

Shocked by the poverty of my own vocabulary, I went to the
British Museum library.

with durative verbs, the participle expresses an action simul-
taneous with that of the predicate verb,
e.g. He stood there, drinking tomato juice, surrounded by people
absorbing the radiation of his power.
Then I saw my mother. She sat by the window, lighted up by
the setting sun.
The participle in this function may be found in different posi-
tions in the sentence,
e.g. Suddenly touched, the girl came over to the side of his chair
and kissed his cheek.
I went out of the court determined to show them a good play.

This participle is characteristic of literary English.

The Participle as Subjective Predicative
§ 248. The participle may be used as subjective predicative. It
is lexically dependent in this function and is used after the pas-
sive of the verbs to find, to hear, to see and to make.

e.g. Then he was found barricaded in a little hut.

A minute ago he was seen engaged in a lively conversation
with a charming girl.

Note. To be made known is treated as a set phrase.
e.g. I'm afraid this information will have to be made known.

Examples of this kind are of rare occurrence and the participle
is often adjectivized.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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