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She used to go swimming every day

2 She……


4 ……

5 ……

6 ……

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences. Use used to or the present simple (I play / he lives etc.).

1 I used to play tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago.

2 Do you do any sport?' 'Yes, I play basketball.

3 'Have you got a car?' 'No, I……one but I sold it.'

4 George……a waiter. Now he's the manager of a hotel.

5 'Do you go to work by car?' 'Sometimes but most days I.. by train.'

6 When I was a child, I never……meat, but I eat it now.

7 Mary loves watching TV. She……TV every evening.

8 We……near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.

9 Normally I start work at 7 o'clock, so I……up very early.

10 What games……you ……when you were a child?

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences with use(d) to... + a suitable verb.

1 Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.

2 Liz……a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3 We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We……in


4 I rarely eat ice cream now but I……it when I was a child.

5 Jim……my best friend but we aren't friends any longer.

6 It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work since the new road was opened. It ……more than an hour.

7 There……a hotel opposite the station but it closed a long time ago.

8 When you lived in London,……to the theatre very often?

Exercise 4. Brian changed his lifestyle. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things:

He stopped studying hard going to bed early running three miles every morning
He started smoking going out in the evening spending a lot of money

Exercise 5. Write sentences about Brian with used to and didn't use to.

1 He used to study hard. 4 ……

2 He didn't use to smoke. 5 ……

3 …… 6……


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use every + one of these words:

day room student time word

1 Every student in the class passed the exam.

2 My job is very boring..….is the same.

3 Kate is a very good tennis player. When we play, she wins......

4......in the hotel has a private bathroom.

5 'Did you understand what she said?' 'Most of it but not......

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 2775 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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