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Water in Moscow

Every day Moscow consumes about six million cubic metres of water. This amounts to about 700 litres per capita and is more than in any other city anywhere of equal size.

As far as Bacteriological standards are concerned, water standards are three times stricter than elsewhere. Moscow water is ozonized and tastes like pure-spring water.

What do Moscow factories consume?

Most Moscow factories now have a water technology employing used water. But to replenish the stocks, fresh water is stile being consumed. Soon the «leakage» in this direction will be halted. The first section of an industrial main is now in service, and the second is being built. In the space of the next few years all industrial enterprises in Moscow will be switched onto recycled water.

The purity of Moscow water depends to a great extent on the standards of distillation of industrial an domestic discharge and on how clean the city's rivers – the main source of fresh water - are. Since 1974 not a single cubic metre of technically polluted discharge has reached the Moskva River. The capacity of the distillation equipment is a million cubic metres greater than the current city requirements there is no other analogue anywhere.


to be concerned - казаться, относиться

per capita - на душу, на человека

capacity - мощность

spring water - родниковая вода

to replenish the stocks-пополнять запасы

recycled water – оборотная вода

discharge - сброс (сточных вод)

to halt-останавливаться

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How much water does Moscow consume every day?

2. What kind of water has Moscow?

3. How muchwater does one inhabitant of Moscow consume?

4. How do you understand the term «Leakage»?

5. Whatis the main source of fresh water?

6. What water does Moscow industry consume?

7. What does the purity of Moscow water depend on?

3. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Каждый день Москва потребляет 6000000 куб. м воды.

2.Московская вода озонируется и имеет вкус родниковой воды.

3.Московские фабрики имеют технологию, применяющую использованную воду.

4.В течение следующих нескольких лет все промышленные предприятия в Москве будут использовать оборотную воду.

5.Чистота воды в Москве зависит от стандартов перегонки промышленных и бытовых сточных вод и чистоты городских рек.

4.Составьте предложения из данных словосочетаний.

Main sources of fresh water, natural resources, subterranean waters, measurement of discharge, discharge of a stream, large volume of water, the streamflow rates.

Lesson 8.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 403 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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