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From the History of Football

Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the text choosing the correct answers given below.

Football is a very old sport, but it was no laughing matter in the early days. Two villages _1_ to kick a ball made from a pig's intestine to a goal. The goals were things like trees or buildings and could be _2_ five miles apart. The game, which was sometimes extremely violent, could _3_ from sunrise to sunset. A more controlled form of the game began to be played in England's public schools in the early nineteenth century. Each school played a different _4_ of the game and the rules varied widely.

In 1863 a Football Association was established and the members met to decide on the rules. It took five meetings before they could all _5_.

1. a) laughed b) battled c) mattered d) had

2. a) like b) as much c) much as d) as much as

3. a) go on b) make for c) do with d) give up

4. a) version b) fashion c) copy d) issue

5. a) meet b) disagree c) argue d) agree

Task 2. Choose the best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text.

1. Which of the following is not true?

a) Football of the early days was a different game from the one people play now.

b) Football was known in England as far back as in the beginning of the nineteenth century.

c) In the early days of football villages competed to win a game.

d) Nobody was allowed to laugh at football matches in the early days of the game: it was no laughing matter.

2. It can be concluded from the text that in the early nine­teenth century football was played in England:

a) in public to have publicity.

b) in private schools.

c) and controlled by schools.

d) over more and more control.

3. How was football played before 1863?

a) There were no fixed rules universally recognized.

b) There were no rules to follow.

c) It was controlled strictly.

d) It was wide and varied.

4. When were the rules of football first officially fixed?

a) in the nineteenth century.

b) more than two centuries ago.

c) in the twentieth century.

d) At the dawn of civilization.

5. The word violent means:

a) powerful.

b) starving, suffering from hunger.

c) using, showing, accompanied by force.

d) looking forward to doing something.

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1922 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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