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UNIT VI. Present tenses

1. Complete the sentences using the notes in brackets. The verbs can be Present Continuous (am doing), Present Simple (do) or Present Perfect (have done):

► We bought this picture a long time ago. We’ve had it (we / have / it) for ages.

a) Sarah finds her mobile phone very useful ……..…. (she / use / it) all the time.

b) Vicky doesn't know where her watch is ……………………… (she / lose / it).

c) We're in the middle of decorating our kitchen, so we can't cook any meals. …………. (we / get / them) from a take-away restaurant this week.

d) Claire is on a skiing holiday ……………………(she / enjoy / it), she says on her postcard.

e) The colour of this paint is absolutely awful …………………………….……. (I / hate / it).

f) These figures certainly should add up …..……… (I / check / them) several times already.

g) Trevor and Laura like Scrabble …………………...……….(they / play / it) most evenings.

h) These flowers are dying ……………………………….…(you / not water / them) for ages.

2. Read about each situation. What else do you say? Use the verb in brackets.

► You can't go out with a friend because you have a Saturday job. (work) I'm sorry. I work on Saturdays.

1. You have just met a friend you last saw months ago. (not see)

Hello! How are you? ………………………………………………………………

2. Someone has arranged to phone you at this time, and you're ready for the call, (wait) I have to stay by the phone……………………………………………

3. Your friend is wearing a very nice jacket you haven't seen before, (like)

Oh, that's nice……………………………………………………………………

4. You are watching the snow fall. It started yesterday and is still falling, (snow) I can't believe it…………………………………………………………..

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