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Consumption, take account of, manager, state, environment, include, capital, macroeconomics, economy

In a simplistic... in which individuals or families produce primarily for their own..., economy-wide phenomena are of little importance. On the other hand, the complex financial … and production process that characterizes an advanced economy in the 1980s requires individual decision makers... both the current economic environment and forecasts of the economic environment. Decisions that require an understanding of the overall functioning of the economy... business decisions such as whether firm should sell bonds or stock to raise new... and individual decisions such as whether to change jobs or purchase a new home. Whether a person «wears the hat» of an entrepreneur, a business..., or a head of a household, it is important to be aware of the... of the economy as a whole. Specific factors that determine the advisability of these and other decisions are studied as part of....

Ex. 9. Add an appropriate preposition to each of the following sentences where indicated.

1. This refers... the interactive effect of the parts of the system working together.

2. They decorated the house regardless... cost.

3. Economic forms range... the mixed private enterprise... completely controlled economies.

4. Everyone, irrespective...means or occupation, shall have an equal opportunity.

5. This function is basically performed... the price mechanism.

6. This simply means that demand... and supply... goods and services interact.

7. Gradual change is preferable...sudden, large-scale change.

8. Such a system affects... every link in the distribution chain.

9. They have to satisfy their wants and needs... the consumption of such products and services.

10. It has also made it easier...the same time.

11. The political system is coupled... the economic system.

12. Organization must have access.. modern technology.

13. All organizations depend... supply of labour force.

14. The economic system is concerned... the allocation of scarce resources.

15. We must try to cope... our problems.

16. The entrance door gives access... the living room.

Ex. 10. Open the brackets.

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