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It’s raining. You decide not to go out. I don’t think I’ll go out.

1. You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. I…………….

2. A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car but you decide to walk.

Thank you but………..

3. You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide that you don’t want to play.


4. You were going to go swimming. Now you decide that you don’t want to go.


Ситуація 8. У ваших двох приятелів є звичні слова про їх готовність щось зробити. Рішуча людина відверто обіцяє I will …. Той, хто вагається і не поспішає обіцяти промовляє I am going to. Поставте дієслова в дужках у правильну форму, використовуючи will чи going to.

Examples: A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: I’m going to watch (watch) the news.

A: Oh, I’ve just realized – I haven’t got any money.

B: Don’t worry – that’s no problem. I’ll lend (lend) you some.

Those clouds are very black, aren’t they? I think it is going to rain. (rain).

1 A: I’ve got a terrible headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and I ……………… (get) an aspirin for you.

2 A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes. I …………………….. (buy) something for dinner.

3 A: What would you like to drink – tea or coffee?

B: I …………. (have) tea, please.

4 A: Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He ……………. (have) a holiday for a few

Weeks and then he ………….. (start) a computer programming course.

5 A: Did you post the letter for me?

B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I ………….. (do) it now.

6 A: What shall we have for dinner?

B: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind.

A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision!

B: Okay then. We……………… (have) chicken.

7 Jack: We need some bread for lunch.

Ben: Oh, do we? I ………………….. (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like

a walk.

Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane:

Ben: I ……........... (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop?

Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes.

Ben: Okay, I ………………… (get) you some.

Ситуація 9. Ця розмова про майбутні дії показує, що одна особа дуже добре все спланувала, і їх настрій змінити майже неможливо. друга особа дає зрозуміти, що щось може завадити її планам на майбутнє.

Kevin: Shall we go to the beach tomorrow?

Ruth: Well, I’m working in the morning, but I 1) ’II phone (phone) you when I


Kevin: Shall we ask Ben and Linda to come with us?

Ruth: Yes, I 2) ………….. (see) Linda at work in the morning, so I 3) ……..

(ask) her then.

Kevin: If they want to come I 4) ………… (pick) you up from work and we can

all go together.

Ruth: Great! Just think, we 5)…………… (swim) in the sea this time

tomorrow! I can’t wait!

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 237 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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