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Тезисы к теме 19. Phenomenology, Photographic Naturalism, and the Mystique of the Camera

-Influence of Neo-realism was increased by the number of international students at the "Centro Sperimentale" which carried on a teaching Philisophy allied to its principles.

- Existentialism - popular among Western Europian intellectuals following World War II; the French authors, Jean - Paul Sartre and Albert Camus were popularizers of existentialism.


-Phenomenology- a philosophy that emphasizes acknowledging subjective consciousness as bracketing and organizing reality.

- Alienation - originally a concept of Karl Marx regarding the estrangement of humans from the product of their labor.

- "The economic miracles" of the 1950s in Germany, Japan and Italy increasing affluence and the sociology of "alienation".


-Michelangelo Antonioni "Eclipse", 1961; "Blow Up", 1966.

-Antonioni worked out of the tradition of story vs. non-story traditions. When we contemplate the world, our interests, sentiments, compulsions, affective preferences are precisely the indispensible functions of a dynamic of surrender and catch.

-The post neo-realist enigma of facts; the tension of reality vs. unreality is always close to the surface.


- Situationisn expands the parameters of "neo- realism" and distances realism from naturalism.

- Presentation means not simply what is presented, but the process of presenting.

-Tendancy toward long takes, a highly intentional use of camera movement, attention to color and cinematographic color composition; the use of silence in the soundtrack and sparseness of dialogue.


- Visual minimalism; the individual in relation to the surroundings.

- The camera becomes its own "visual authority".

- "The Red Desert", 1964, was Antonioni's first color film.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 180 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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