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Watchkeeping duties for Engineer

Prior to taking over the watch the Engineer of the watch is to examine all machinery and plant particularly the steering gear, refrigerating engines and auxiliary equipment. They must inspect all fuel and lubricating oil pipe work for leakage. Any defects must be immediately reported to the Engineer of the watch being relieved. The Engineer being relieved is to inform the relieving Engineer of the status of all plant, service and suctions in use and any defects which call for special attention. On taking over the watch the Engineer of the watch is to familiarize himself with the standing orders and instructions in the Chief Engineer Order Book and to acknowledge these instructions by his signature.

While keeping a watch at sea or in port the Engineer of the Watch is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all equipment and machinery, the safety of all personnel in the machinery spaces and for the prompt and efficient response to order from the Bridge or Cargo Control Station. If main engines are operating under Engine Room Control the responsible Engineer shall remain in the vicinity of the engine controls in order to respond rapidly to telegraphed orders.

When personnel is engaged in maintenance or other duties within the machinery spaces, the Engineer of the watch shall ensure that they conduct their duties in a safe and efficient manner.


to be responsible for — быть ответственным за что-либо

to take over the watch — принимать вахту

relieving engineer — сменяющийся механик

particularly — особенно

engineer being relieved — механик, которого сменяют

to familiarize oneself — ознакомиться с чем-либо

standing order — постоянный приказ, инструкция

acknowledge — подтверждать

signature — подпись

prompt response — быстрая реакция

in the vicinity — поблизости

rapidly — быстро

to be engaged in — заниматься чем-либо

to conduct duties — выполнять обязанности


1. Why must engineer inspect all fuel and lubricating oil pipelines?

2. What is it necessary to examine prior to taking over the watch?

3. What is the engineer of the watch responsible for?

4. Where must the responsible Engineer remain?

5. In what manner shall the officer of the watch conduct their duties.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 871 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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