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OUR UNIVERSITY. I study at the Kerch Marine Technological University

I study at the Kerch Marine Technological University. Our university was established in 1984. The university trains specialists for the fishing industry. It has two depart­ments day-time and extra-mural. There are three faculties at our university: technological, marine and the faculty for improvement of professional skills.

The technological faculty trains economists book-keepers, technologists and engineers for the seafood processing in­dustry. Future navigators, ecologists, marine engineers, electricians and fishermen study at the marine faculty.

In order to become well-trained engineer students study different subjects, such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Foreign languages, descriptive geometry and many other spe­cial subjects. Students attend 1ectures.work at the labs, have lessons and seminars.

Our university has many laboratories which are equipped with modern devices. According to the curriculum there is planned practice for every student of our university.

The course of studies lasts five years. The academic year has two terms: autumn and spring. At the end of each we take examinations. At present fishing industry occupies prominent position in the national economy.

Post graduate courses were opened in 1997. Research projects are being conducted at all chairs of the university. They include automatization of production processes various types of fish treatment; processing operations; flexible manufactu­ring systems, different problems of the national economy.


establish - основывать

extra-mural - заочный

book-keeper - бухгалтер

be equipped - быть Оборудовавши

curriculum - курс обучения, учебный план

prominent position - выдающееся положение

research projects - научно-исследовательские проекты


1. Where do you study?

2. How many faculties are there?

3. Whom does the university train?

4. What subject do students study?

5. What research projects are being carried out?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 657 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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