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Make up your own sentences with the verbs in bold type from the text

4. Choose the right answer:

1. What is the best definition of 'touchscreen'?

a) an input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen;

b) the ability of a computer to convert spoken words from a user into usable data;

c) a display that also acts as an input device by allowing a user to navigate a program by pressing specific locations of the screen.

2. What is the best definition of 'touchpad'?

a) an input device consisting of a sensitive rectangular area in which one uses a finger to move a cursor on a display;

b) the ability of a computer to determine standard letters and numbers based on fuzzy logic;

c) an input device with a vertical rod mounted on a base used to control pointing devices or on-screen objects; normally with one or more buttons.

3. What is the best definition of 'speech recognition'?

a) a handheld input device used to move an onscreen pointer by means of sliding on a flat surface;

b) the ability of a computer to convert spoken words from a user into usable data;

c) an input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen.

4. What is the best definition of 'graphics tablet'?

a) a device which forms a digitised image of a human finger print for the purpose of biometric authentication;

b) an input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen;

c) an input device or mouse alternative using a sensitive rectangular surface and a stylus.

5. What is the best definition of 'input device'?

a) a special icon (normally an arrow) which indicates the current location of the mouse on the desktop screen;

b) a handheld input device used to move an onscreen pointer by means of sliding on a flat surface;

c) any peripheral used primarily to enter data into a computer.

(based on: http://www.english4it.com)

5. Read the information file and do the tasks below:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 464 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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