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Sample test to module I

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. A device that has thousands of integrated circuits (millions of transistors) built in one silicon chip is called:

a) a semiconductor; b) a microprocessor; c) a complex integrated circuit

2. The first computer generation was the era of:

a) transistors; b) a slide rule; c) vacuum tubes

3. The word combination “integrated circuit” is translated into Ukrainian as:

a) мікросхема; b) електронна лампа; c) слот розширення

4. A notebook or slate-shaped mobile computer is called:

a) a laptop; b) a smart phone; c) a tablet

5. The word combination “виконувати програму” won’t be translated as:

a) to execute a program; b) to run an application; c) to transfer a program

6. The science and technology of machines that see, where see in this case means that the machine is able to extract information from an image that is necessary to solve some task is called:

a) robotics; b) computer vision; c) digital forensics

7. The synonym of the verb to permit is:

a) to allow; b) to expand; c) to emerge

8. Which of the listed characteristics may be considered negative?

a) square; b) savvy; c) persistent

9. What can’t we do with data?

a) store; b) access; c) plug

10. What is defined by the definition: “a computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communications functions”?

a) hardware; b) software; c) cooling fan

II. Translate the following into English:

1) розпізнавання голосу; 2) штучний інтелект; 3) передовий розвиток; 4) випуск; 5) технічна новинка; 6) настільний комп’ютер; 7) твердотільний диск; 8) мета; 9) впровадження; 10) перезавантажити ситему.

III. Rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice:

  1. We've reached another milestone.
  2. We sold many products in the June quarter.
  3. Doctors can do operations easily, accurately and successfully due to the computer assistance.
  4. Our future generation will enjoy more creations and enjoy the fruits of labour of today’s mankind.
  5. Nowadays scientists are making enormous advances in computer technology.

IV. Put the words in brackets in gerund or Infinitive forms:

  1. This high level programming languages may seem difficult _______ (to master).
  2. He prefers _______ (to surf) the Internet to ______ (to go to the gym).
  3. He was fined for ______ (to hack).
  4. I’m looking forward to _______ (to buy) a new smart phone.
  5. Satellite TV allows you ________ (to watch) many channels.

Unit IV “Storage devices”

1. Read and translate the text. Learn the words in bold type:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 503 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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