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System administrator

Respect: Medium-High
Qualities: God complex, often eat fast food and drink a lot of soda
Salary: $75,000
Dress: If they were allowed to, they would probably dress as World of Warcraft characters!
Fun Factor: Sysadmins can be patronizing; but they can be fun as well, especially after they have a few beers. They are often eager to show others that they are just "normal people". But this is not usually true.
Notes: Never anger a sysadmin! Why? They have access to everything in the company.

(based on: http://www.english4it.com)

Chief Information Officer – керівник інноваційними технологіями, savvy – кмітливий, mindset – мислення, on a power trip – у відрядженні, competitive – заснований на змаганні, конкуренції, supportive – який надає підтримку, moody – сумний, square – квадратний, звичайний, persistent – наполегливий, insatiable thirst for knowledge – ненаситна жага до знань, Casual Dress – повсякденний одяг, detail-oriented – скрупульозний, data set – набір даних, patronizing – ставитися зверхньо.

10. Complete these definitions with the job titles mentioned above:

  1. A ___________ is an executive responsible for development, implementation, and operation of a firm's information technology policy.
  2. A ___________ is a person whose job is to process giant data sets.
  3. An ___________ oversees the information technology strategy for an organization, developing and implementing the policies and goals for the IT department.
  4. The work of a __________ includes researching, designing, developing, and testing software.
  5. A _________ practises designing print or electronic forms of visual information, as for an advertisement, publication, or website.
  6. A __________ is a person who manages the computer systems in an organization.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 507 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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