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Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1.Internal stakeholders have wide-ranging needs for accounting information

1. Internal stakeholders have wide-ranging needs for accounting information.

2. Their information needs are met by the management accounting subsystem.

3. For example, assume that the production management team at Walt Disney studious has to make decisions about what costumes and sets to use for a new motion picture.

4. This decision requires the accounting department to gather the relevant information.

5. This type of evaluation requires accounting information as its basis.

6. Such evaluation of the actual results becomes an important part of planning effectively for the future.

Match the words…….

1. internal a) party

2. primary use of b)cost

3. external c) process

4. production d) stakeholder

5. relevant e)information

6. evaluation f) cost

7. estimated g) manager

8. expected h) information

Unscramble the Jumbled words to form a logical sentence.

1. Stakeholders, Internal, such, as, and, employers, managers, accounting information, need.

2. Information, Internal, use, accounting, stockholders.

3. Stakeholders, Internal, have, needs for accounting, information, wide-ranging.

4. Information, Their, needs are met by the, accounting, management, subsystem.

5. This, information, decision, the, accountin, requires, department, to, gather, the relevant.

6. Such, of, the, important, actual, results, becomes, an, evaluation, part.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 278 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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