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Talking Points. 1. Try to explain the term “opportunity cost” in your own words

1. Try to explain the term “opportunity cost” in your own words.

2. Discuss the following issues in small groups and then report your findings.

a. What is the opportunity cost involved in a decision to continue education after finishing school?

b. What was the opportunity cost of your latest major purchase?

Summary Points

1. Revise the list of basic steps in summarizing.

1. Skim the original text and identify its main idea.

2. Divide the text into logically completed parts.

3. Read the text again and draw up an outline of the text.

4. Give a one-sentence summary of each item of the outline in your own words.

5. Find in the original text the most important details that may be added to support the main points.

6. Use appropriate words and phrases to show the logical connection between the parts of the summary.

2. Divide the phrases for summarizing into 3 groups and fill in the table.

Introduction Main Body Conclusion

The author comes to the conclusion that ………

Thus ………

The author thinks that ………

According to the author………

On the one hand ……… on the other hand ………

The text deals with ………

The basic topic is ………

The author notes that ………

After reading the text we realize the fact that ………

3. Summarize the text from Reading. Use phrases for your summary from Task 2.



Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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