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Ruling regarding water given by the Supreme Court of India, based on article 21 of

constitution guaranteeing right to live was?

13. Long distance air travel in cramped seats of economy class can cause fatal blood clots this in term is called economy class syndrome. What is it called in medical terms?

14. Which protocol binding industrialized countries to cut their green house gas (GHG) emission by about 5% below 1990 level during 2008-2012 was rejected by U.S. president Bush claiming that it would be harmful to the US economy and too lax on the developing countries?

[1] "New Labour" is an alternative name for Labour Party which originated from 1994. The name is primarily used by the party itself in its literature but is also sometimes used by political commentators and the wider media; it was also the basis of a Conservative Party poster campaign of 1997, headlined "New Labour, New Danger". The rise of the name coincided with a rightwards shift of the British political spectrum, albeit that this was a trend to more centrist policies commenced under the leadership of Neil Kinnock. The party is now viewed by some to be slightly (or more than slightly) right-of-centre, much like the United States Democratic Party (under the recent influence of Democratic Leadership Council). "Old Labour" is sometimes used by commentators to describe the older, more left wing members of the party, or those with strong Trades Union connections.

[2] Based on definitions from InvestorWords.com// http://www.investorwords.com

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 218 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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