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Have something done

We use have+object+past participle to say that we arrange for someone to do something for us.

e.g. Sandra is giving her can repaired at the moment. (Sandra is not repairing it herself – somebody else is repairing it.)

present simple He fixes the tap. He has the tap fixed.
present continuous He is fixing the tap. He is having the tap fixed.
past simple He fixed the tap. He had the tap fixed.
past continuous He was fixing the tap. He was having the tap fixed.
future simple He will fix the tap. He will have the tap fixed.
future continuous He will be fixing the tap. He will be having the tap fixed.
present perfect He has fixed the tap. He has had the tap fixed.
present perfect cont. He has been fixing the tap. He has been having the tap fixed.
past perfect He had fixed the tap. He had had fixed the tap.
past perfect cont. He had been fixing the tap. He had been having the tap fixed.
infinitive He must fix the tap. He must have the tap fixed.
-ing form It’s no use fixing the tap. It’s no use having the tap fixed.

· Questions and negations of the verb have are formed with do/does in the present simple and did in the past simple. e.g. Do you have your hair cut every month? Did she have the house cleaned?

· We can also use have something done to express that unpleasant happened to somebody. e.g. Mary had her purse stolen yesterday. (=Mary’s purse was stolen. This sentence shows that this unpleasant incident happened to her.)

· We can use the verb get instead of the verb have only in informal conversation. e.g We must get the fridge repaired soon. (=We must have the fridge repaired soon.)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1102 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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