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Modal verbs changes

Direct speech Reported speech
He said, “I will have some tea.” He said (that) he would have some tea.
He said, “She can type fast.” He said (that) she could type fast.
He said, “I can talk to you tomorrow.” He said (that) he could/would be able to talk to me next day. (it refers to the future)
He said, “Theymay come home.” He said (that) they might come home.
He said, “What shall I tell her?” He asked what he should tell her.
He said, “You must stay in.” He said (that) I must/had to stay in.
He said, “She must be exhausted.” He said (that) she mustbe exhausted.
Direct Question Indirect Question
What are you doing? He askedme what I was doing.
Where do you live? He wanted to knowwhere I lived.
When did you see Tom? He askedme when I had seen Tom.
Where is the manager? He asked me where the manager was.
Who has broken the window? She wonderedwho had broken the window.
Ask (someone) + if + підрядне речення
Direct question Reported question
Are you watching TV? He asked (me) if I was watching TV.
Do you like sailing? He wanted to know if I liked sailing.
Did you eat raw fish? He wondered if I had eaten raw fish.
Have you found your passport? He askedme if I had found my passport.
Will you fly to Paris tomorrow? He wondered if I would fly to Paris the next day.

Indirect speech for exclamatory and imperative sentences.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 961 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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