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Text 52. Strolling through London

Trafalgar Square was at one time known as the Bermudas, the slum haunt of rogues and vagabonds. The Square was so named to commemorate Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar, and the monument in the centre, known as Nelson’s Column, is sur­mounted with a statue of Nelson 16 feet high. The height of the monument is 184 feet 10 inches. Its pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs of famous naval battles. The metal for these bas-reliefs was cast from cannon captured from the French. At the base of Nelson’s Column are four great lions.

Commencing from Trafalgar Square, go down Whitehall. At the end of Whitehall you come to Parliament Square with the Hou­ses of Parliament on the left. A special permit is required to see over certain quarters of the Houses of Parliament. The Clock Tower, which towers over the Houses of Parliament, is 313 feet high and 41 feet square. The Clock, which has four dials each 22 feet in diameter, is considered to be one of the finest time-keepers in the world. The hours are struck on the largest bell, well known as “Big Ben”. This bell weighs 13, 5 tons.

St. James Park, situated almost in the middle of London, is one of its most beautiful spots. The lake, which runs nearly its entire length, is the home of many varieties of world fowl.

Strolling through the winding paths of St. James’ Park you reach Buckingham Palace, in front of which stands the Queen Victoria Memorial.

Fleet Street is known all over the world as the home of Bri­tish journalism. Probably the most unusual modern building in Fleet Street is that of the Daily Express, which has the front of the building, except for windows, entirely covered in black glass. The Daily Telegraph and Reuter buildings are also note­worthy.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is open daily although visitors are requested not to walk about during service time. The Cathed­ral built of Portland stone, was first begun in 1675 and was not completed until 1710. It was designed by Christopher Wren. “The Whispering Gallery”1 will fascinate all visitors. In this Gallery the slightest whisper is audible 100 feet away.


1. The Whispering Gallery – Шепотная галерея.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why was Trafalgar Square so named?

2. What is the name of the Clock in the Houses of Parliament?

3. What is one of the most beautiful spots in London?

4. Why is Fleet Street known all over the world?

5. Where is “the Whispering Gallery” situated?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 668 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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