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Text 46. BRISTOL

The countries of Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset are often called the West Country. Urban development of this region is very limited and Bristol is the great exception among the towns of the area, other settlements in this part of the country being small.

Bristol is situated at the junction of the Avon and the Frome. It is a major port and industrial centre. It is an anci­ent city and it has always been a strictly commercial place and has remained such to this day. Little is known of its early his­tory but its mediaeval trade was extended to Gascony, Spain and Portugal.

In 1400 it was considered to be the second greatest port of England. Now it is eighth in the United Kingdom. It is a regional capital and five times as large as the next town in the area. Bristol has a large variety of industries, of each aircraft de­sign and construction at Filton is the most important. Other significant industries are paper-making, printing and flour-milling.

Bristol is a University town. Its university was founded in 1876 first as a university college. Now there are flourishing colleges of science and technology, art and commerce.

The Mendip hills separate Bristol from the lowland of the Somerset plain. Once this area was marshy but now that it has been extensively drained it carries great numbers of dairy cattle. Cheddar cheese is one of its best known products.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Bristol situated?

2. Is it an industrial centre?

3. What are its main industries?

4. When was its university founded?

5. What is the town famous for?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 413 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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