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Change these statements into reported speech

1. Mike said: “I like sky diving. It isn’t dangerous.”

2. Suzie said: “I fell off my BMX bike eight times yesterday.”

3. Christine said: “I really enjoyed water skiing last summer.”

4. Dave said: “I hadn’t heard this CD before you played it.”

5. Johnny said: “I’ll go and help them.”

6. Pauline said: “I enjoyed climbing Everest.”

9. Change the following Yes/No questions into reported interrogatives.

1. “Did you enjoy the concert, John?” she asked.

2. “Do you often go skiing, Elena?” asked Julia.

3. “Have you ever been to Siena, Mick?” asked Rob.

4. “Are you enjoying yourselves, children?” asked Jo.

5. “Does Muriel eat meat?” asked Angela.

6. “Is Donald happy in his new job?” asked George.

10. Change the following Wh-questions into reported interrogatives using the verbs in brackets in the past simple.

1. Mary: “When is Jane coming tomorrow?” (ask)

2. Sammy: “How are we going to travel to Spain?” (want to know)

3. Joyce: “Why did you phone him last night?” (ask)

4. Brian: “Who has read this novel?” (wonder)

5. Alex: “Where will you go for your holidays?” (inquire)

6. Laura: “What is the time?” (want to know)

11. Yesterday you ran into your friend of yours, Helen. Helen told you a lot of things. Here are some of the things she said to you:

1. I’m thinking of going to live in France. 2. My father is in the hospital. 3. Sue and Jim are getting married next month.
4. I haven’t seen Bill for a while. 5. I’ve been playing tennis a lot lately. 6. Barbara has had a baby.
7. I don’t know what Fred is doing. 8. I hardly ever go out these days. 9. I work 14 hours a day.
10. I’ll tell Jim I saw you. 11. You can come and stay with me if you are ever in Toronto. 12. Tom had an accident last week, but he wasn’t injured.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1936 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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