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Time for fun. 15.8.1. Read the following jokes and then try to retell them in English

15.8.1. Read the following jokes and then try to retell them in English.


«Come in, my poor man», said a lady to a ragged tramp, «and I will get you something to eat»;

«Thank you, ma'am».

«I suppose», continued the lady, setting a meal before him, «your life has been full of trials».

«Yes, ma'am; and the worst of it I was always got convicted».

trial — испытание, судебный процесс

convict — осудить


A coroner was examining a witness at the inquest.

«Your son says you saw the man jump out of the building?»

«Yes, sir».

«From your knowledge of men, do you think he jumped out of despondency?»

«No, sir; it was out of the fourth storey window».

coroner — следователь

inquest — следствие, расследование

despondency — крайнее отчаяние

!!! * 15.8.2. And now try to solve this crossword.


1. A book in which you find the meaning of words. 7. Not cooked. 8. Every one. 10. Frequently. 12. The main notion of any religion. 14. Tidy. 17. Rest of comfort. 19. Act. 21. Personal pronoun (third person singular). 22. A meal or a drink. 23. Therefore. 24. Heap. 25. You must open these to enter houses. 28. Thirteen down without the «s». 29. Water falling from the clouds. 31. Preposition. 32. Attempt. 33. You can see five of these on your foot.


1. Pull. 2. Cold (comparative degree). 3. Not on. 4. Plural of «is». 5. Past tense of «run». 6. The twenty fifth and twenty-third letters of the alphabet. 9. Lonely (comparative). 11. Accusative of «they». 13. You do this with your eyes. 15. Not before. 16. Singular of 33 across. 18. Long (opposite). 20. Wireless. 23. Same as 23 across. 24. A tame animal. 26. Half of two. 27. A male child. 30. Preposition.


Фонетика: sounds [¶], [S], [s]

Словообразование: сложные прилагательные типа nation-wide

Грамматика: бессоюзные придаточные предложе­ния; атрибутивные группы

Текст: «Steve asks questions»

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