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(dull, displeased tone)

1. Oh, no!

2. Oh, dear!

3. Oh, heavens!

4. What a bore!

5. That's the limit!

11.4.2. Respond with pleasure or displeasure when some­one tells you:

1. he's got a new job.

2. he's got a new car.

3. it cost 10,000.

4. he's got a new girl-friend.

5. she's a journalist.

6. they're getting married.

11.4.3. Read the dialogue and then dramatize it.

HE I've made up my mind. We're going to Spain for the holidays.

SHE How exciting! (Marvellous/How thrilling.)

HE I've got a whole fortnight off this year.

SHE A whole fortnight. That's terrific. (That'll be nice.)

HE We'll leave in early July.

SHE Good! Are we taking the car? (Great/Marvellous.)

HE The car? Oh no, we're going on a package tour.

SHE Oh, no! (Oh, really).

HE And I thought we'd take mother with us.

SHE Oh, heavens! Do we have to? (Oh dear/what a bore.) Package tour — holidays organised by travel agencies which include board and lodging and travel expenses at reduced prices.

11.4.4. Ask a friend whether he/she would like to go on a holiday with you. Tell him/her where you would like to go and what you might do there. Some of these things will please your friend; others will not.

Model: A. Would you like to go to the Black Sea coast with me?

B. How wonderful!, etc.

General understanding

11.5.1. Read the text. Try to understand it and be ready to answer the questions.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 430 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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