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Listening practice

9.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. What is one of them going to do after leaving this place?

2. What are the plans of the other man?

3. What is he going to do at the cafe of his mother-in-law?

4. Why is he going to rob a bank next week?

9.7.2. Listen to the dialogues.

9.7.3. Answer the questions in 9.7.1.

9.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

trunk — багажник embassy — посольство stupid — глупый lend — давать взаймы smart — умный

youth hostel — молодежное общежитие bargain — хорошая сделка

9.7.5. Listen to the dialogue. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian.

9.7.6. Tell the contents of the dialogue in Russian as close to the text as possible.

Time for fun

9.8.1. Read the following jokes. Try to retell them.

New evidence

— Why do you want a new trial?

— On the grounds of newly discovered evidence, your honour.

— What's the nature of it?

— I found out that my client had 400 dollars that I didn't know he had.

Revenge is sweet (proverb)

JUDGE: It seems to me that I have seen you before.

PRISONER: You. have your honour. I taught your daughter singing.

JUDGE: I sentence you to five years of hard labour.


Фонетика: sound [T]

Словообразование: суффикс прилагательных -аl

Грамматика: прошедшее время Past Perfect

Текст: «Pete's travel to London» (continued)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 423 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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